Alternating sets:
Dumbbell preacher curls: 25s (10), 27s (8), 30s (7), 32s (5)
French presses: 25 (8), 27 (7), 30 (7), 32 (4)
Straight bar curls: 50 (10), 55 (8), 60 (6), 65 (4)
Diamond push-ups: 8, 8, 9, 7
Dumbbell flies: 2 x max @ 25s: 13, 9
Dumbbell rear lat raises: 2 x max @ 20s: 7, 9
Lateral raises: 2 x max @ 20s: 10, 9
Close grip underhand pull-downs: 2 x max @ 80: 15, 13
100 x bicycle crunches (per side)
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Arms and Active Recovery
french press,
lateral pull-downs,
lateral raises,
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Upper body: Heavy/moderate weight
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Me, at a cafe in Brighton, exactly 6 years ago |
(Warm up: 5 @ 85; 4 @ 95)
4, 4, 4, 4, 4 = 20
This is the second consecutive time I've hit all 20 reps, and this time I was consistent with every set. The last 2 sets were challenging, but I never felt like I was struggling or not in control.
Bench press @ 120 - max (small bench, 6 holes): 7, 4, 3, 3, 2
Push-ups - max: 12, 9, 7, 8, 8
Cable row 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
130, 140, 150, 160, 165 (4)
5 rft:
5 dips (no kipping)
10 clapping push-ups
Time = 9:01
bench press,
cable row,
clapping push-ups,
power clean,
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Full body: Moderate/light weight

Death by deadlifts @ 185
Score = 8 rounds + 6 reps
Like the Death by Power cleans on Saturday, this was deceptively easy in the early rounds but got real hard real quick. I used the wall clock in the gym to keep track of the time. I think the 4-rep fourth round took me about 15 seconds. It wasn't until the sixth round that I had to take a break, after the fourth lift. The last (incomplete) round was 6 reps done as singles, and that took me a whole minute, including rests.
3 rft:
1-3-5-7-9 reps
Push-press @ 75
Pull-ups (no kipping)
Box jumps @ 24"
Time = 21:19
This is slightly adapted from a Crossfit Markham WOD, which is 5 rft as RXed. I was planning on doing that, but I ran out of time because I had to get back home so Cher could go to the gym for her session with Liliana and I had to take Madi to school. However, I think I might have broken my record for cycling from the gym to my house - less than 7 minutes! Worked up quite a sweat today, but a bit disappointed that I didn't have time to do a more extensive workout.
box jumps,
Monday, 26 September 2011
Full body: Heavy/moderate weight
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Katie Hogan |
Dumbbell piston press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 per arm
37s, 42s, 45s, 47s, 50s, 52s (4)
I managed all 5 reps with 50s, which was supposed to be my last set, so I attempted another set with 52s and did quite well. The last time I did pistons I only managed 4 reps with 50s, which I think was because I jumped from 42s to 47s and that might have fatigued me too much. This time I did smaller incremental increases and that seemed to help. Also, this time the pistons were at the start of my workout.
Partial back squats 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (safeties @ 11 holes)
Warm-up: 5 @ 185
210, 235, 255, 275, 295, 300 (F)
I hit all 3 reps at 295, which is a first. Last time I only managed 2 reps at that weight. Because of this, I attempted an extra set at 300lb. I was ok squatting down in a controlled movement, but couldn't budge an inch once the barbell hit the safeties. I didn't feel any discomfort in my hip flexor, which only seems to hurt when I squat all the way down with weights or at speed.
Neutral grip pull-ups - 4 x max
11, 9, 7, 5
I'd planned on super-setting these with cable rows, but every time I was about to move to that station someone would jump on it.
Push press - 4 x max @ 95 with 2 second hold
(3 @ 105) 5, 4, 3, 3
I started these at 105lb but only got 3 reps, and - although I locked out - the third rep didn't stay up too long. I decided to drop the weight down a bit so I could hit more reps and sets.
back squats,
piston bench press,
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Full body: Moderate/light weight
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Anniversary cake |
Today's workout marks 4 years since I've been exercising with a personal trainer. All jokes aside, thank you Paul - you've improved my quality of life immeasurably!
Death by power clean @ 105
8 rounds + 8 reps
Every minute on the minute do 6 box jumps @ 20", followed by clean and presses @ 75lb. Rest for the rest of the minute, for a total of 15 minutes.
Score = 71 c&p
Amrap 12:
6 clapping push-ups
7 pull-ups (any kind of overhand)
8 dips (kipping allowed)
9 sit-ups
Score = 3 rounds + 5 dips
Although there was no heavy lifting today, this took a lot out of me. It was tough! That being said, there's no way I would have had the mental or physical strength to even attempt these routines 4 years ago.
box jumps,
clapping push-ups,
clean and press,
power clean,
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Upper body: Heavy/moderate weight
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Annie Sakamoto |
Alternate sets:
(Warm up: 5 bench presses @ 95; 5 bodyweight pull-ups)
Bench press: 5 x max @ 125 (small bench, 6 holes)
7, 6, 5, 4, 3 = 25
Weighted pull-ups: 5 x max @ 35
5, 5, 5, 4, 4
Compared to a month ago, that's 3 reps more on the bench presses, but a few reps less - with more weight - for the pull-ups.
Barbell push-press: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
(Warm up: 3 reps @ 75)
100, 105, 110, 115, 120
Last time - way back in May - I managed only 2 reps at 120lb, and that was at the beginning of my workout. My lats and shoulders are still sore with doms from the 125 hang power cleans on Tuesday, otherwise I think I would have done better today.
Amrap 15:
4 dumbbell bench press @ 45s
8 push-ups
Score = 10 sets exactly @ 14:53
I haven't done this for a long time, since November 2010. Back then I scored 5 rounds and 1 bench press, so this is almost double. I completed the first 3 rounds in less than 5 minutes. Not a bad way to end the week (especially this week).
Hang power snatches:
45 (5), 70 (3), 85 (3), 90 (F)
This was really just to finish off while I was waiting for Cher. With the final rep I got the bar overhead, but my arms couldn't go further than 90 degrees.
bench press,
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
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I hope it fucking hurt, you bastard. |
To make things worse, when I went to McD's for coffee I was halfway through my second cup when a bloody fly fell into it. That meant I was running on low caffeine for the rest of the morning.
Alternating sets:
Dumbbell preacher curls: 25s (10), 27s (8), 30s (8), 32s (4)
French presses: 25 (9), 27 (7), 30 (6), 32 (5)
Straight bar curls: 50 (10), 55 (7), 60 (6), 65 (4)
Dumbbell skull crushers: 25s (7), 27s (4), 27s (4), 27s (4)
In my semi-comatose state I started to do the skull crushers with just one dumbbell while thinking, "This is much too easy", before I realised my error. Fuck!
Incline curls - 3 x max @ 25s: 7, 6, 5
Close grip push-ups: 11, 10, 8
To be honest, I was bloody glad to get out of the gym today. Jesus!
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Took it a bit easy today for a couple of reasons. First, I think yesterday's results might indicate I'm a bit tired, although I don't feel I've overtrained. Second, my hip flexor is still causing me problems. Although it isn't getting any worse, its recovery does seem to have plateaued.
Today's conditioning routine was very basic - just hang power cleans and box jumps. I had intended to do hang squat cleans and burpees as well, but when I tried those moves during my warm up I could feel pain in my hip flexor, especially while bring my knees/legs in during the burpees. I've been stretching it, but it's probably just a matter of being patient and not causing any further damage.
5 rft:
25 hang power cleans @ 95
25 box jumps
Time = 30:14
That's it. Nothing spectacular today. It felt fairly challenging, but I have nothing to compare it to in order to evaluate if that's a respectable score. I might have a "vanity day" tomorrow, then try a limited rom leg day on Thursday. I'll wait to see how I feel, though.
Today's conditioning routine was very basic - just hang power cleans and box jumps. I had intended to do hang squat cleans and burpees as well, but when I tried those moves during my warm up I could feel pain in my hip flexor, especially while bring my knees/legs in during the burpees. I've been stretching it, but it's probably just a matter of being patient and not causing any further damage.
5 rft:
25 hang power cleans @ 95
25 box jumps
Time = 30:14
That's it. Nothing spectacular today. It felt fairly challenging, but I have nothing to compare it to in order to evaluate if that's a respectable score. I might have a "vanity day" tomorrow, then try a limited rom leg day on Thursday. I'll wait to see how I feel, though.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Full body: Heavy weight
Bench press 3, 3, 3, 3 (small bench, 6 holes)
135, 140 (2), 140 (2), 140 (F)
Not a good start. I've done better than this before but perhaps my muscles were still tired from Saturday's workout. My pecs felt a bit sore this morning, but that doesn't always mean I'm not up to doing more chest work. I might have been better off doing something like dumbbell piston presses rather than heavy benches.
Resistance band neutral grip pull-ups (green); max reps
3, 4, 3, 3, 3
I haven't done these for a while and I couldn't remember which coloured band I used before. I tried the purple and couldn't even manage a single rep, so I thought I was using the wrong one and went down to a green. However, looking back at an earlier post, I did actually use the purple and even got more reps than I did today. Jeez, I must really be feeling weaker than I thought!
Push presses - 4 x max @ 110 (from rack)
5, 6, 5, 7
Deadlifts - 4 x max @ 185 (starting from top)
9, 10, 10, 8
My back is back to normal (hip flexor's still a bit dodgy) so I decided to do some deadlifts. This is the first time I've done deadlifts from the top rather than the ground. The only real difference I found was that the last rep was a bitch because I had to get the weights back up to rack them!
Pretty crappy day in terms of results. I did a very slow 3km Terry Fox Run with Madi yesterday, but I'm pretty sure it didn't take that much out of me! I don't track my nutrition too compulsively, but this weekend was so busy that the timing of my meals and snacks was all over the place, whereas I'm usually like clockwork. Not sure if that might have been partially to blame, or perhaps it was just one of those days.
Might be time to lay off the heavy weights and try some conditioning tomorrow.
135, 140 (2), 140 (2), 140 (F)
Not a good start. I've done better than this before but perhaps my muscles were still tired from Saturday's workout. My pecs felt a bit sore this morning, but that doesn't always mean I'm not up to doing more chest work. I might have been better off doing something like dumbbell piston presses rather than heavy benches.
Resistance band neutral grip pull-ups (green); max reps
3, 4, 3, 3, 3
I haven't done these for a while and I couldn't remember which coloured band I used before. I tried the purple and couldn't even manage a single rep, so I thought I was using the wrong one and went down to a green. However, looking back at an earlier post, I did actually use the purple and even got more reps than I did today. Jeez, I must really be feeling weaker than I thought!
Push presses - 4 x max @ 110 (from rack)
5, 6, 5, 7
Deadlifts - 4 x max @ 185 (starting from top)
9, 10, 10, 8
My back is back to normal (hip flexor's still a bit dodgy) so I decided to do some deadlifts. This is the first time I've done deadlifts from the top rather than the ground. The only real difference I found was that the last rep was a bitch because I had to get the weights back up to rack them!
Pretty crappy day in terms of results. I did a very slow 3km Terry Fox Run with Madi yesterday, but I'm pretty sure it didn't take that much out of me! I don't track my nutrition too compulsively, but this weekend was so busy that the timing of my meals and snacks was all over the place, whereas I'm usually like clockwork. Not sure if that might have been partially to blame, or perhaps it was just one of those days.
Might be time to lay off the heavy weights and try some conditioning tomorrow.
bench press,
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Upper body
Felt a bit bleh today following 2 days with an upset stomach. Researching this online I found that it might be due to a nutrition imbalance in my diet; i.e. not the right balance of protein to healthy fats.
I've been eating a lot of Paleo-style meals the past few weeks, but not a strict Paleo diet, which doesn't allow for dairy nor peanuts (you'll take the apples and peanut butter from my cold, dead hands!) Basically, I've cut out starch almost completely, not because of the long-term health benefits suggested by some advocates, but because most of the time when I eat bread, pasta or rice I tend to feel bloated and uncomfortable. I don't think this is an allergy, just a mild intolerance.
I've felt much better over the past month or so and, crucially, I haven't felt weaker when I do my workouts. I actually ate a sandwich - with decent quality whole wheat bread - yesterday and it didn't cause any problems. Anyway, the protein/fat problem wasn't a deliberate attempt to cut out some fat, too. This might just have been something I wasn't paying proper attention to the past couple of days.
Update: After my lengthy hypothesis about why I have a dodgy tummy, I actually think it's just a stomach bug and nothing to do with my diet!
Anyway, onto today's training, which went better than I expected, especially as I was feeling a little drained.
Drop set pull-ups (30lb db - bodyweight)
6-5, 5-4, 4-2, 3-2, 3-2
A bit better than last time.
Incline bench press @ 95 x max: 6, 4, 3, 4, 4
Push-ups - max: 10, 9, 7, 8, 9
For time 20-15-10-5
Neutral pull-ups
After each set do 5 wide-grip pull-ups
Time = 11:12
Rather than go flat out and try to get through as quickly as possible, I tried to use more controlled movements. Comparing this score to about 5 months ago, that certainly paid off, with a3:50 4:50 improvement. However, back then I did a bit more pulling routines beforehand - today's included pushing - so that might make a difference. Also around 5 months ago I did a similar routine, reversing the wide-grips and neutral pull-ups.
Amrap 10:
10 push-press @ 75 (initially from the ground)
10 dips
Score = 3 rounds + 10 push-press and 7 dips
The last set of push-presses was pretty mental! No idea where that energy suddenly came from.
I'm really looking forward to my first Terry Fox Run tomorrow, alongside Madi. She has another one at her school on Thursday, so I'll be returning the favour and joining her on that one.
I've been eating a lot of Paleo-style meals the past few weeks, but not a strict Paleo diet, which doesn't allow for dairy nor peanuts (you'll take the apples and peanut butter from my cold, dead hands!) Basically, I've cut out starch almost completely, not because of the long-term health benefits suggested by some advocates, but because most of the time when I eat bread, pasta or rice I tend to feel bloated and uncomfortable. I don't think this is an allergy, just a mild intolerance.
I've felt much better over the past month or so and, crucially, I haven't felt weaker when I do my workouts. I actually ate a sandwich - with decent quality whole wheat bread - yesterday and it didn't cause any problems. Anyway, the protein/fat problem wasn't a deliberate attempt to cut out some fat, too. This might just have been something I wasn't paying proper attention to the past couple of days.
Update: After my lengthy hypothesis about why I have a dodgy tummy, I actually think it's just a stomach bug and nothing to do with my diet!
Anyway, onto today's training, which went better than I expected, especially as I was feeling a little drained.
Drop set pull-ups (30lb db - bodyweight)
6-5, 5-4, 4-2, 3-2, 3-2
A bit better than last time.
Incline bench press @ 95 x max: 6, 4, 3, 4, 4
Push-ups - max: 10, 9, 7, 8, 9
For time 20-15-10-5
Neutral pull-ups
After each set do 5 wide-grip pull-ups
Time = 11:12
Rather than go flat out and try to get through as quickly as possible, I tried to use more controlled movements. Comparing this score to about 5 months ago, that certainly paid off, with a
Amrap 10:
10 push-press @ 75 (initially from the ground)
10 dips
Score = 3 rounds + 10 push-press and 7 dips
The last set of push-presses was pretty mental! No idea where that energy suddenly came from.
I'm really looking forward to my first Terry Fox Run tomorrow, alongside Madi. She has another one at her school on Thursday, so I'll be returning the favour and joining her on that one.
bench press,
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Upper body: Heavy/moderate weight
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British pentathlete Jessica Ennis |
(Warm up: 2 x 5 @ 95)
4, 3, 4, 4, 5 = 20
This is the first time I've hit a total of 20 reps. Man, was I pissed at that second set (and everyone in the gym knew about it!) The last time I did this routine I got 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 (19), so when I got only 3 I thought I wouldn't even be able to manage that total. With every subsequent set I gave it everything, trying to make up that "lost" rep, but it wasn't until set 5 that I got it.
Dumbbell incline bench press - 5 x max @ 50s
(2 x 5 warm up sets @ 35s and 42s)
7, 7, 5, 4, 4
C2B neutral grip pull-ups - 5 x max
7, 6, 4(.5!), 4, 4
In the third set I got my chin over the bar with the fifth rep attempt, but couldn't get my chest to touch it, hence the .5.
Amrap 12: Dips - with 10 push-ups every time I drop from the bars (including the last set)
10, 5, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3 = 36 (in 11:51)
When I did this in August, as part of a personal training session, I was disappointed with my score, not so much because I thought it was low but because I didn't think I addressed it in a smart way. I wasn't focused and I just tried to do everything quickly as possible. Today was different and I tried to ensure I had enough rest whenever I needed it. There were some rounds where I rested 45 seconds between the push-ups and getting back into the dips. However, this strategy was only marginally successful, resulting in only 3 extra dips. Maybe this is just tougher than I think it should be.
Push press - 5 x max @ 75
14, 14, 13, 13, 12 = 66
That's 5 fewer reps than last time, but I just had nothing left in my shoulders following the dips and push-ups.
My hip flexor feels like it's almost fully recovered and my back isn't painful, just very stiff with limited rom.
The world's most boring diet.
bench press,
hang clean,
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
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American swimmer Dana Torres, aged 41 in 2008 |
Alternate sets:
Straight bar curls:
55 (10), 60 (7), 65 (5), 65 (5)
Dumbbell skull crushers:
22s (10), 25s (8), 27s (5), 27s (5)
Dumbbell preacher curls:
25s (8), 27s (7), 30s (5)
French presses:
25 (8), 27 (7), 30 (6)
In the past, I've done French presses like a skull crusher, but with a barbell. That's one of the ways I found online when I googled the term. Today, I switched to the other method, shown in the video below. I used less weight than before, but it's a different technique (seated upright and using only one dumbbell).
Incline curls, all at 22s: 8, 6, 6
Close grip push-ups (hands shoulder-width apart, elbows close to my sides):
11, 8, 6
I usually do alternate sets of incline curls and tricep push-downs, but just as I was about to do the second exercise, someone else started to use that station. So, I rested 1 minute between sets of curls, then did the push-ups.
That was it for today - about 30 minutes of light exercise. Didn't feel too challenging, but I didn't want to push myself too hard. I'm planning on doing a heavy/moderate upper body routine tomorrow.
I did a seated, upright single dumbbell version, using the grip at about 2:25 in this video.
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
My hip flexor is still a bit sore today, but a lot better than previous days. Still, I didn't want to take any risks with it, so I did some leg exercises with limited rom. A bit restricted for time today, so only 2 routines and a "finisher".
Deadlift - 1 rep max:
135 (10)
165 (6)
185 (5)
205 (3)
215 (1)
225 (1)
235 (1)
245 (1)
255 (1)
265 (1)
275 (1)
280 (1)
285 (F)
That's a 5lb increase on my previous PR a couple of weeks ago.
Partial squats - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (safeties @ 11, which - checking back - is what I usually do)
210, 235, 255, 275, 295 (2)
Another PR, but only for 2 reps. Looking back at my blog and journal from last year (when I was mistakenly calling these pin squats) I've come a hell of a long way in less than 12 months. My earliest online reference to partial/pin squats was back in November 2010, when I PRed at 240, 55lb less than today. According to that post, I'd noted in my written journal my previous PR in September 2010 was 215 for 2 reps - 80lb less than today's PR.
Leg extensions - max @ 110
15, 13, 12
A limited routine today, but good results nonetheless.
No hip flexor pain during my workout, but it did hurt a bit when I did stretches at the end.
Deadlift - 1 rep max:
135 (10)
165 (6)
185 (5)
205 (3)
215 (1)
225 (1)
235 (1)
245 (1)
255 (1)
265 (1)
275 (1)
280 (1)
285 (F)
That's a 5lb increase on my previous PR a couple of weeks ago.
Partial squats - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (safeties @ 11, which - checking back - is what I usually do)
210, 235, 255, 275, 295 (2)
Another PR, but only for 2 reps. Looking back at my blog and journal from last year (when I was mistakenly calling these pin squats) I've come a hell of a long way in less than 12 months. My earliest online reference to partial/pin squats was back in November 2010, when I PRed at 240, 55lb less than today. According to that post, I'd noted in my written journal my previous PR in September 2010 was 215 for 2 reps - 80lb less than today's PR.
Leg extensions - max @ 110
15, 13, 12
A limited routine today, but good results nonetheless.
No hip flexor pain during my workout, but it did hurt a bit when I did stretches at the end.
Monday, 12 September 2011
Upper body
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Doesn't matter how fit you are or how healthy a lifestyle you lead. Spartacus actor, Andy Whitfield died of cancer yesterday, aged only 39. |
Alternating sets:
Rack bench press 5, 5, 4, 4, 3 (small bench, 6 holes)
115, 125, 130, 135, 140 (2)
Dumbbell row 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
70, 75, 80, 85 (4), 85 (4)
15 x bench press @ 125
Time = 5:05
Amrap 12:
5 push-press @ 95
10 push-ups
Score = 10 rounds exactly @ 11:53
I was going to increase the weight from last time to see if I could match the time, but I wasn't sure how heavy to make the push-presses. In the end, I stuck with the same weight, but tried to beat my previous score in the same time. In October 2010, I managed 7 full rounds and 4 push-presses in 12 minutes, so this is a big improvement. All 10 rounds of push-presses were unbroken, and the first 3 full rounds - both presses and push-ups - were unbroken, too. I went straight from set 1 to 2, but took a very short rest between sets 2 and 3.
5 rft:
5 pull-ups (dead hang)
10 inverted rows (feet on small bench, bar resting on safeties at 10 holes)
Time = 8:44
This is 1:14 slower than last year, but today I had a more challenging set up for the inverted rows.
My left hip flexor has been quite painful since Saturday evening, so I might not be able to have a full leg day tomorrow, as I'd planned. I'll wait and see how I feel tomorrow, but I don't want to aggravate it.
bench press,
dumbbell row,
inverted row,
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Full body
Personal training with Paul
Front squats (for time):
95 x 10 - 18 seconds
115 x 10 - 1:35
115 x 10 - 24 seconds (switched grip)
135 x 10 - 2:39
145 x 10 - 4:56
The correct grip for front squats is still causing me problems when I start to use heavier weight. The first round at 115 was so much slower than the second because my left wrist started to hurt (it's always the left). Perhaps it's not a bad idea to switch grips, as I did today, while I try to build up my wrist flexibility. I'll try the two-fingered style for light weights, then switch to my old cross-over style as I get heavier.
5 rft:
5 deadlifts @ 225
10 burpees
Time = 10:02
Amrap 10:
5 wide grip pull-ups
10 clapping push-ups
15 jump squats
Score = 4 + 10 clapping push-ups
I actually thought its was only 3 completed rounds, not 4, but I was so out of breath and sweating like a pig that I lost count. If Paul's correct - bearing in mind he's getting forgetful in his old age - that would mean I was close to completing a round every 2 minutes, which seems pretty quick.
Don't know what I looked like coming out of the changing room afterward, but Eric took one look at me, said "Holy shit!", and burst out laughing. That can't be good.
I was feeling pretty drained when I started this morning, so I'm pleased with how today went, particularly the deadlifts/burpees routine, whatever the score was. I definitely need to start paying attention to how my body feels during the week, otherwise I'll end up overtraining again.
I'll be switching back to my previous style of training for the next couple of weeks so that my legs will be fresh for the two cancer benefit runs I'll be doing on 2 Sundays (September 18 and October 2). They're only 3k and 5k respectively, but they're both on what would normally be rest days. Besides, doing just leg training on Tuesdays will mean I'm not sore on Sundays.
Front squats (for time):
95 x 10 - 18 seconds
115 x 10 - 1:35
115 x 10 - 24 seconds (switched grip)
135 x 10 - 2:39
145 x 10 - 4:56
The correct grip for front squats is still causing me problems when I start to use heavier weight. The first round at 115 was so much slower than the second because my left wrist started to hurt (it's always the left). Perhaps it's not a bad idea to switch grips, as I did today, while I try to build up my wrist flexibility. I'll try the two-fingered style for light weights, then switch to my old cross-over style as I get heavier.
5 rft:
5 deadlifts @ 225
10 burpees
Time = 10:02
Amrap 10:
5 wide grip pull-ups
10 clapping push-ups
15 jump squats
Score = 4 + 10 clapping push-ups
I actually thought its was only 3 completed rounds, not 4, but I was so out of breath and sweating like a pig that I lost count. If Paul's correct - bearing in mind he's getting forgetful in his old age - that would mean I was close to completing a round every 2 minutes, which seems pretty quick.
Don't know what I looked like coming out of the changing room afterward, but Eric took one look at me, said "Holy shit!", and burst out laughing. That can't be good.
I was feeling pretty drained when I started this morning, so I'm pleased with how today went, particularly the deadlifts/burpees routine, whatever the score was. I definitely need to start paying attention to how my body feels during the week, otherwise I'll end up overtraining again.
I'll be switching back to my previous style of training for the next couple of weeks so that my legs will be fresh for the two cancer benefit runs I'll be doing on 2 Sundays (September 18 and October 2). They're only 3k and 5k respectively, but they're both on what would normally be rest days. Besides, doing just leg training on Tuesdays will mean I'm not sore on Sundays.
clapping push-ups,
front squats,
jump squats,
wide grip pull-ups
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Full body: Light weight
I felt a bit low on energy this morning and I wondered if I had over-trained again. However, I didn't feel as bad as last time, so I risked a light weight workout, which seemed to go okay.
Hang power snatches: 45 (5), 65 (3), 75 (3), 85 (2), 85 (F)
I know it's not saying much, but 85lb is still a PR for me!
Superset - 4 x max reps:
Inverted rows: 12, 9, 7, 8 (bar resting on safeties @ 7 holes, feet on small bench)
Pull-ups: 6, 4, 4, 4
4 rft - all @ 85
5 deadlifts
5 front squats
5 push-presses
5 power cleans
Time = 6:52
The hardest part of this whole routine was getting the bar into position between moves! The deadlifts were easy and very quick, but I was so out of breath by the end of each set that it took me a while to get enough energy to clean the bar into position for the front squats. The push-presses were pretty fast, too, and with a few of the reps I was moving so quickly I nearly lost my balance and toppled backwards. 85lb is pretty light for all these moves, but the purpose of this was to move quickly. This is adapted from a Plymouth CrossFit WOD, which suggests using 95lb or 65lb; I opted for something just over halfway between the two.
Gironda dips - 4 x max reps:
6, 6, 4, 5
Overhead squats: 5, 5, 5, 5
25, 35, 40, 45 (2)
This was more for practicing the movement, rather than an exercise. Still, another awe-inspiring PR!
Yesterday I signed up for the 2011 New Hamburg Terry Fox Run. There are two courses: one is 3k - which I'll be running - and the other is 8.5k, both starting from Scott Park. This takes place on Sunday, September 18, which is 2 weeks before the breast cancer Run for the Cure.
There has been a thoroughly disappointing lack of interest from fellow board of trade members, despite me asking several times for people to join a team. I can't believe the local apathy for this year's run, which marks 30 years since a Canadian hero and icon died. Regardless of who else bothers to turn up, I'll be there.
Hang power snatches: 45 (5), 65 (3), 75 (3), 85 (2), 85 (F)
I know it's not saying much, but 85lb is still a PR for me!
Superset - 4 x max reps:
Inverted rows: 12, 9, 7, 8 (bar resting on safeties @ 7 holes, feet on small bench)
Pull-ups: 6, 4, 4, 4
4 rft - all @ 85
5 deadlifts
5 front squats
5 push-presses
5 power cleans
Time = 6:52
The hardest part of this whole routine was getting the bar into position between moves! The deadlifts were easy and very quick, but I was so out of breath by the end of each set that it took me a while to get enough energy to clean the bar into position for the front squats. The push-presses were pretty fast, too, and with a few of the reps I was moving so quickly I nearly lost my balance and toppled backwards. 85lb is pretty light for all these moves, but the purpose of this was to move quickly. This is adapted from a Plymouth CrossFit WOD, which suggests using 95lb or 65lb; I opted for something just over halfway between the two.
Gironda dips - 4 x max reps:
6, 6, 4, 5
Overhead squats: 5, 5, 5, 5
25, 35, 40, 45 (2)
This was more for practicing the movement, rather than an exercise. Still, another awe-inspiring PR!
Yesterday I signed up for the 2011 New Hamburg Terry Fox Run. There are two courses: one is 3k - which I'll be running - and the other is 8.5k, both starting from Scott Park. This takes place on Sunday, September 18, which is 2 weeks before the breast cancer Run for the Cure.
There has been a thoroughly disappointing lack of interest from fellow board of trade members, despite me asking several times for people to join a team. I can't believe the local apathy for this year's run, which marks 30 years since a Canadian hero and icon died. Regardless of who else bothers to turn up, I'll be there.
front squats,
inverted row,
overhead squats,
power clean,
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Full body: Heavy/moderate weight
Bench press (large bench, corner squat rack safeties): max @ 120
(Warm up: 7 @ 95)
5, 4, 3, 3, 3
I used the large bench and rested the bar on the safeties of the corner squat rack. That leaves the bar less than an inch from my chest at the lowest position, so as close as possible to full rom.
Deadlifts (for time):
145 x 10 - 20 seconds
165 x 10 - 21 seconds
185 x 10 - 31 seconds
205 x 10 - 59 seconds
225 x 10 - 2:00
When I was planning this routine, I worked in reverse. Paul's heaviest weight was 285, so I scaled mine to roughly 80% of that (give or take a couple of pounds), and deducted 20lb for each preceding round. The first 3 rounds felt really easy and at the time I wondered if I'd scaled it incorrectly. I was moving so quickly that I was drawing a lot of attention because of the clanging plates when they hit the ground. I actually did the first set twice because I forgot to start my watch the first time! I rested 2 minutes, then started again. Rounds 4 and 5 felt tough and were the only ones that had to be broken up into 2 or 3 sets. I didn't use straps for the heavier sets because wrapping them around the bar would have slowed me down. My form throughout was good, without my back bending. That being said, I expect a pretty sore lower back tomorrow (in a good way).
Dumbbell rows: 5 x max @ 65 per arm
10, 9, 8, 8, 7
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Full body: Moderate/light weight
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30s, 35s, 37s (4), 37s (3), 37s (3)
For total time:
50 x back squats @ 135 to parallel (6:00)
Rest exactly 3 minutes
50 x front squats @ 80 to parallel (5:28)
Total time = 14:28 (6:00 + 3:00 + 5:28)
Can't remember where I got this from, but it doesn't look like something I'd make up. I found it saved in a file on my laptop, so I'd obviously saved it for a reason some time ago. The saved version mentioned front squats at 95lb, but I didn't want to risk too much stress on my wrist after yesterday's painful routine. Using only 80lb allowed me to work on my wrist flexibility, grip and form without the chance of hurting myself.
Yesterday, I googled "front squat wrist pain" and found some helpful tips and advice. Using a much lighter weight today allowed me to use some of that information. One forum post had the comment, "If you feel like you're choking yourself with the bar, you're probably doing it right!" Today, I held my chest up, leaned back very slightly - thus making sure all the weight was in my heels - and rested the bar in the depressions between my delts and collarbones. My balance felt so good that I was able to keep the bar in place using only two fingers from each hand, rather than having to bend my wrist back so I could grip the bar tightly, as I usually do. Of course, this was made easy because I was squatting a light weight, but I wasn't too bothered because today was scheduled to be a light day.
Amrap 15:
8 x pull-ups
8 x true push-ups
8 x push presses @ 75 lb
Score = 6 rounds + 8 pull-ups and 2 push-ups
This was an old routine from waaay back. When I did this in mid-November 2010, I got a score of 6 plus 2 pull-ups. It's an improvement, but after nearly 10 months I would have hoped for at least 1 full round more than last time.I can't find the blog post, but I've done this routine one other time since November, scoring even lower at only 5 rounds plus 3 push presses.
No weird food dreams last night, probably because for dinner I had barbecued half-rack of ribs and a slice of apple pie (my kryptonite), courtesy of my daughter and her fiance.
back squats,
front squats,
military press,
Monday, 5 September 2011
Full body: Heavy weight + plenty of whining
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I'm cravin' it. |
It also might explain why last night I had a dream that I ate a Big Mac. Seriously.
Hang power clean and press, holding the bar overhead for 3 seconds:
65 (3), 75 (3), 85 (3), 95 (3), 100 (3), 105 (2.5), 105 (2), 105 (1.5)
My back was a little sore when I started training today, so I avoided jarring it with fast cleans from the ground, opting for hang power cleans instead. In the sets where I've noted a half rep, that's because I managed to get the bar overhead and lockout my arms, but the bar came straight back down; I couldn't keep the bar up once I'd got it there.
Also, in the third rep of the first set, I hit my chin hard with the bar when I was doing the push press. It fucking hurt and I thought I'd chipped a tooth because I'd jammed my teeth together! Jeez, great start! Update: I can feel a bump developing on my chin!
Box front squats 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (small bench, wooden step)
115, 125, 135 (3), 135 (2) - quit
This was very disappointing. I didn't fail - and, subsequently, quit - because I couldn't perform a squat; it was because my left wrist was hurting and I couldn't maintain the "bent wrist" grip. I was using the squat rack in the corner of the gym, and in the third rep of the last set that I attempted I got to the seated position on the bench and had to let the bar go. Thankfully, I could drop it on the rests without too much noise. Considering I managed to PR with a 150lb full ROM front squat a few weeks ago, today's result really pissed me off.
Dumbbell piston press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 per arm
37s, 42s, 47s, 50s (4), 50s (3)
This is pretty much the same score as last time, although the number of reps in the two 50lb sets were the other way round.
3 RFT:
5 weighted dips @ 25
7 dips
9 clapping push-ups
12 push-ups
Time = 13:14
Thankfully, I finished today on a positive note. Last time I did this I finished in 14:38, which is 1:24 slower than today. The weighted dips were by far the toughest part of the routine.
Although today didn't yield great results, there were some positives, especially the score of my final routine. Plus, I managed to push my way through this morning's training even though I wasn't feeling 100%. Not sure if a Big Mac fits into my starch-free diet, though...
clapping push-ups,
front squats,
hang clean,
piston bench press,
Saturday, 3 September 2011
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Chris Spealler - currently up to 151lb and wants to add 10 more before next year's Games. |
Barbara - 5 rft:
20 kipping pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 air squats
Time = 38:37
Apparently, with the RXed version of Barbara, you're supposed to TAKE 3 BLOODY MINUTES REST BETWEEN ROUNDS!
Row - 100 metre sprint:
19 seconds, 20, 19
I mentioned in my blog on Thursday that I didn't think I'd trained as hard or to my full potential as I would like throughout the week, due to my daily schedule being disrupted for various reasons. However, today I gave it everything I had with Barbara and felt totally knackered at the end. I never rested for 1 second more than I truly needed and kept moving as quickly as possible, so I'm very pleased with the result. Even with the rowing sprints I went as fast as I could, to the point where I was convinced I was going faster in the second and third sets. The results prove otherwise, though! A satisfying end to the week.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Cindy and Arms
Cindy - amrap 20:
5 x pull-ups (kipping)
10 x push-ups
15 x air squats
Score = 15 (exactly @ 19:56)
I usually do Cindy at the end of a workout, but this morning I was feeling a bit sleepy-headed so I used this to help me wake up. The fact I did this first might account for the improvement on my PR. By the time I'd finished I was absolutely drenched in sweat, which was exaggerated by me wearing a pale grey t-shirt. Ironically, when I left home I thought it was going to rain, so I wore a light rain jacket to stop me getting wet.
Straight bar curls: 60 (8), 65 (5), 65 (5), 65 (5), 65 (5)
Dumbbell skull crushers: 25s (8), 27s (8), 27s (5), 27s (4), 27s (5)
Alternate sets:
Incline curls: 22s (8), 25s (6), 30s (4), 30s (4)
Dips, max reps: 10, 6, 6, 6
Overall, not the greatest set of workouts this week, but that's due to my usual daily routine being disrupted for various reasons. That being said, I certainly don't think my training was a waste of time, just that I could have trained harder.
I spent yesterday in Toronto with Madi, Cher and Kristen; keeping a 7-year-old entertained for 12 hours is far more challenging than any CrossFit workout.
5 x pull-ups (kipping)
10 x push-ups
15 x air squats
Score = 15 (exactly @ 19:56)
I usually do Cindy at the end of a workout, but this morning I was feeling a bit sleepy-headed so I used this to help me wake up. The fact I did this first might account for the improvement on my PR. By the time I'd finished I was absolutely drenched in sweat, which was exaggerated by me wearing a pale grey t-shirt. Ironically, when I left home I thought it was going to rain, so I wore a light rain jacket to stop me getting wet.
Straight bar curls: 60 (8), 65 (5), 65 (5), 65 (5), 65 (5)
Dumbbell skull crushers: 25s (8), 27s (8), 27s (5), 27s (4), 27s (5)
Alternate sets:
Incline curls: 22s (8), 25s (6), 30s (4), 30s (4)
Dips, max reps: 10, 6, 6, 6
Overall, not the greatest set of workouts this week, but that's due to my usual daily routine being disrupted for various reasons. That being said, I certainly don't think my training was a waste of time, just that I could have trained harder.
I spent yesterday in Toronto with Madi, Cher and Kristen; keeping a 7-year-old entertained for 12 hours is far more challenging than any CrossFit workout.