Death by deadlifts @ 185
Score = 8 rounds + 6 reps
Like the Death by Power cleans on Saturday, this was deceptively easy in the early rounds but got real hard real quick. I used the wall clock in the gym to keep track of the time. I think the 4-rep fourth round took me about 15 seconds. It wasn't until the sixth round that I had to take a break, after the fourth lift. The last (incomplete) round was 6 reps done as singles, and that took me a whole minute, including rests.
3 rft:
1-3-5-7-9 reps
Push-press @ 75
Pull-ups (no kipping)
Box jumps @ 24"
Time = 21:19
This is slightly adapted from a Crossfit Markham WOD, which is 5 rft as RXed. I was planning on doing that, but I ran out of time because I had to get back home so Cher could go to the gym for her session with Liliana and I had to take Madi to school. However, I think I might have broken my record for cycling from the gym to my house - less than 7 minutes! Worked up quite a sweat today, but a bit disappointed that I didn't have time to do a more extensive workout.
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