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Doesn't matter how fit you are or how healthy a lifestyle you lead. Spartacus actor, Andy Whitfield died of cancer yesterday, aged only 39. |
Alternating sets:
Rack bench press 5, 5, 4, 4, 3 (small bench, 6 holes)
115, 125, 130, 135, 140 (2)
Dumbbell row 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
70, 75, 80, 85 (4), 85 (4)
15 x bench press @ 125
Time = 5:05
Amrap 12:
5 push-press @ 95
10 push-ups
Score = 10 rounds exactly @ 11:53
I was going to increase the weight from last time to see if I could match the time, but I wasn't sure how heavy to make the push-presses. In the end, I stuck with the same weight, but tried to beat my previous score in the same time. In October 2010, I managed 7 full rounds and 4 push-presses in 12 minutes, so this is a big improvement. All 10 rounds of push-presses were unbroken, and the first 3 full rounds - both presses and push-ups - were unbroken, too. I went straight from set 1 to 2, but took a very short rest between sets 2 and 3.
5 rft:
5 pull-ups (dead hang)
10 inverted rows (feet on small bench, bar resting on safeties at 10 holes)
Time = 8:44
This is 1:14 slower than last year, but today I had a more challenging set up for the inverted rows.
My left hip flexor has been quite painful since Saturday evening, so I might not be able to have a full leg day tomorrow, as I'd planned. I'll wait and see how I feel tomorrow, but I don't want to aggravate it.
I was disappointed when I heard about Andy Whitfield, young man in shape with a young family I believe, depressing news.
Very nice improvement on the pushing routine, shows that the new style works for you as it does for me. Also be very careful with that hip, I pulled mine a little bit ago and it took some time to heal. For me it was my lack of stretching, since I've done more of it my hip hasn't bothered me at all.
I always pause for thought when someone younger than me - and, in this case, much fitter and healthier - succumbs to cancer. I've never seen the Spartacus TV series and all I know of Andy Whitfield is from a feature in Men's Health a couple of years back.
The pushing moves felt much easier than pulling today - no idea why. The pull-ups and rowing were slower than before, but the rowing method was different, so perhaps that accounts for my slower score.
I may well skip any leg work this week, just to be safe. I didn't use my legs for anything today - other than powering up with the push-presses - but I could feel a slight pain just from the position of my left leg on the bench when I did the dumbbell rows with my right arm.
I'm not concerned about skipping leg work completely this week, as I did a lot of both heavy and light deadlifts and squats last week. Is there anything I should avoid for the next few days so I don't make things worse?
Its a great series, very violent but I thought well done. That coupled with the final passenger on the russian get carrying the hockey team passed away this morning too, not a good day.
When my hip was bothering me it was actually only full squats that bothered it, that's why I started doing box squats as the limitted range of motion allowed me to do a version of squats pain free. This stretch also seemed to help the most;
I just used a bench instead.
So box squats and heavy partials should be ok?
should be but our injuries may be different, in fact its hard to find 2 injuries muscle related that are limitted by the exact same thing, give them a shot and see how they feel. If they bother it just skip the leg portion this week.
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