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Annie Sakamoto |
Alternate sets:
(Warm up: 5 bench presses @ 95; 5 bodyweight pull-ups)
Bench press: 5 x max @ 125 (small bench, 6 holes)
7, 6, 5, 4, 3 = 25
Weighted pull-ups: 5 x max @ 35
5, 5, 5, 4, 4
Compared to a month ago, that's 3 reps more on the bench presses, but a few reps less - with more weight - for the pull-ups.
Barbell push-press: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
(Warm up: 3 reps @ 75)
100, 105, 110, 115, 120
Last time - way back in May - I managed only 2 reps at 120lb, and that was at the beginning of my workout. My lats and shoulders are still sore with doms from the 125 hang power cleans on Tuesday, otherwise I think I would have done better today.
Amrap 15:
4 dumbbell bench press @ 45s
8 push-ups
Score = 10 sets exactly @ 14:53
I haven't done this for a long time, since November 2010. Back then I scored 5 rounds and 1 bench press, so this is almost double. I completed the first 3 rounds in less than 5 minutes. Not a bad way to end the week (especially this week).
Hang power snatches:
45 (5), 70 (3), 85 (3), 90 (F)
This was really just to finish off while I was waiting for Cher. With the final rep I got the bar overhead, but my arms couldn't go further than 90 degrees.
2 questions
1) I assume these push presses were done without the hold? I know you don't compete, but without clear lockout that is held for atleast 1 or 2 seconds at the top, the rep does not count. I know it's tempting to keep doing it this way as it means more weight but when going for max weight on anything overhead, if the weight goes up then comes right back down, it should not count as the lockout is not clear.
2) With no run on Sunday, I assume we can do a more full body workout this Saturday?
1) No, I didn't hold at the top. From now on that's what I'll do, even if it means lower weight for a while. It makes sense to improve my technique, just like the front squat grip. It may take time, but I think it will be worth it in the long run.
2) My hip flexor is feeling a bit better, but still not 100%. I'll leave it to you to decide what we should do. Perhaps box squats, either front or back variety?
It just means keeping it consistent, for metcons and timed stuff doing the up and down way is fine, just when going for max weight.
I think I'll leave squatting stuff out but do some posterior chain stuff.
Cool. I haven't had any problems with deadlifts this week. I'm missing all the leg work, though.
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