Felt really crappy from the moment I woke up today. My sinuses are blocked up, my head is throbbing really badly, and I feel pretty nauseous. This is the worse my sinusitis has been for years; perhaps it's something to do with the weather. Consequently, I actually felt quite sick while I was training today, even though I took a decongestant. Not that that's an excuse for my performance - I think I did quite well regardless, but I didn't enjoy my workout as much as usual.
Hang cleans 5 x 5 @ 120
(and yes, I double-checked the bar)
Warm-up: 5 reps @ 95
3, 4, 4, 4, 3 = 18
For time:
30 x hang squat cleans @ 95 (to 4 risers)
40 x deadlifts @ 145
50 x dumbbell snatches @ 45
(25 per arm; finish left side before starting the right)
Time = 18:15
I knocked nearly 8 minutes off my PR, even though the routine was a little bit more challenging this time. In March I did the hang squat cleans to 5 risers, not 4. Also, when I did the snatches before I switched to my right arm when my left got tired, then back again. This was so I kept moving the whole time. Today, I didn't start with my right side until I'd completed all 25 reps with my left. A big improvement, so very pleased with this.
Cycle 1 mile (4 laps) @ 10
50 box jumps @ 24"
Cycle 1 mile (4 laps) @ 10
Time = 13:44
I haven't done this for a while. Last time I cycled at resistance 8, so this was definitely a bit tougher. I took quite a long break between the first cycle and the box jumps because my legs were so fatigued. However, I think the slower time was more to do with my calves cramping up at the start of the box jumps. Plus, I ran out of energy and nearly knocked over the steps with my 18th box jump. I took a break, partly because my body needed it, but also to get back my concentration. A little disappointing, but I gave it everything today.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Olympic lifting and conditioning
box jumps,
hang clean,
hang squat clean,
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Rack bench press (7 holes, large bench) 5, 5, 4, 3, 3
105 (5), 115 (5), 130 (4), 135 (2), 135 (2)
The small bench was being used by someone else, so I used the large bench. This means that the barbell is at rest about an inch from my chest on the safeties, hence the lighter weight than normal for rack benches.
Seated shoulder press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (slight incline)
40s, 42s (4), 42s (4), 42s (3), 42s (3)
Been a while since I did these, and I expected a bigger improvement.
3 x dumbbell bench presses @ 50s
6 x barbell push press @ 100
Time = 9:13
The last time I did this was in January 2011, using 95lb for the push presses (the BPs were 50s then, too). My time in January was 10:52, so 1:39 quicker today with a heavier push press.
Amrap 15:
5 bodyweight dips
10 push-ups
Score = 8 rounds + 3 dips
The last time I did this was ages ago, and today's score was only a one-rep improvement. I would have hoped for better, but I think this was because I misjudged the length of time for my rest breaks. Still, I'm not too bothered by it; it's all part of the learning process in understanding when my body needs a break during a routine.
105 (5), 115 (5), 130 (4), 135 (2), 135 (2)
The small bench was being used by someone else, so I used the large bench. This means that the barbell is at rest about an inch from my chest on the safeties, hence the lighter weight than normal for rack benches.
Seated shoulder press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (slight incline)
40s, 42s (4), 42s (4), 42s (3), 42s (3)
Been a while since I did these, and I expected a bigger improvement.
3 x dumbbell bench presses @ 50s
6 x barbell push press @ 100
Time = 9:13
The last time I did this was in January 2011, using 95lb for the push presses (the BPs were 50s then, too). My time in January was 10:52, so 1:39 quicker today with a heavier push press.
Amrap 15:
5 bodyweight dips
10 push-ups
Score = 8 rounds + 3 dips
The last time I did this was ages ago, and today's score was only a one-rep improvement. I would have hoped for better, but I think this was because I misjudged the length of time for my rest breaks. Still, I'm not too bothered by it; it's all part of the learning process in understanding when my body needs a break during a routine.
bench press,
seated shoulder press,
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Took me a little while to get warmed up today, but not a bad workout overall.
Back squats to 4 risers 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
145, 160, 175, 185, 190 (2)
Quite wobbly legs getting back up for both reps at 190, but it still counts! This matches my PR weight.
Bulgarian split squats 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 per leg
95, 115, 125, 130, 135 (3)
A new PR.
For time:
40 front squats to 4 risers @ 125
10 jump squats during breaks (not at the end)
Time = 12:22 / 7 breaks
I've done this before - although not timed - but only needed 6 breaks back then. Still, this was towards the end of my workout, not at the beginning like last time. Because of my unorthodox (i.e. incorrect) grip, it feels like I'm building up calluses/thick skin between my thumbs where I let the bar rest during front squats. Hopefully, that will start to make it more comfortable!
Single leg extensions 3x10 @ 65
Back squats to 4 risers 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
145, 160, 175, 185, 190 (2)
Quite wobbly legs getting back up for both reps at 190, but it still counts! This matches my PR weight.
Bulgarian split squats 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 per leg
95, 115, 125, 130, 135 (3)
A new PR.
For time:
40 front squats to 4 risers @ 125
10 jump squats during breaks (not at the end)
Time = 12:22 / 7 breaks
I've done this before - although not timed - but only needed 6 breaks back then. Still, this was towards the end of my workout, not at the beginning like last time. Because of my unorthodox (i.e. incorrect) grip, it feels like I'm building up calluses/thick skin between my thumbs where I let the bar rest during front squats. Hopefully, that will start to make it more comfortable!
Single leg extensions 3x10 @ 65
Monday, 27 June 2011
Bent over rows 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
100, 105, 110, 115, 120 (4)
Safeties set at 2 holes so when the bar touches it's in the middle of my shin.
Chest-to-bar chin-ups; 5 x max reps
9, 7, 6, 5, 5 = 32
1 rep more than last time (in the first set).
Dumbbell rows @ 65 - max reps
12, 10, 8, 7
3 rounds, each for time:
10 pull-ups
15 kipping pull-ups
1 minute rest between rounds
2:48, 4:02, 3:15
First and third rounds were better than last time in May - 2:50, 3:55, 3:25 - but the second round was slower. The first round would have been even quicker, but I clipped a barbell with my foot as I did my first kip, so I had to step down, move the barbell, then get back into position. I discounted a couple of seconds for that, but it threw off my rhythm and concentration a bit.
Standing barbell curls 5, 5, 5, 5
50, 55, 60 (4), 60 (3)
100, 105, 110, 115, 120 (4)
Safeties set at 2 holes so when the bar touches it's in the middle of my shin.
Chest-to-bar chin-ups; 5 x max reps
9, 7, 6, 5, 5 = 32
1 rep more than last time (in the first set).
Dumbbell rows @ 65 - max reps
12, 10, 8, 7
3 rounds, each for time:
10 pull-ups
15 kipping pull-ups
1 minute rest between rounds
2:48, 4:02, 3:15
First and third rounds were better than last time in May - 2:50, 3:55, 3:25 - but the second round was slower. The first round would have been even quicker, but I clipped a barbell with my foot as I did my first kip, so I had to step down, move the barbell, then get back into position. I discounted a couple of seconds for that, but it threw off my rhythm and concentration a bit.
Standing barbell curls 5, 5, 5, 5
50, 55, 60 (4), 60 (3)
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Personal training with Paul
Bench press 5, 5, 4, 3, 3
105, 115, 125, 130, 135 (2)
DB piston press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
37s, 42s, 47s, 50s (3), 50s (4)
3 RFT:
5 weighted dips @ 25
7 dips
9 clapping push-ups
12 push-ups
Time = 14:38
A little disappointed with myself, not because of my score but because I lacked focus and concentration in the first round. This was a tougher routine than it sounded, so now I have a score to beat. However, I was much too chatty at the start and I need to be more consistently disciplined, especially with RFTs and Amraps.
DB fly to press combo @ 22s
10-10, 10-10, 10-6
Bench press 5, 5, 4, 3, 3
105, 115, 125, 130, 135 (2)
DB piston press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
37s, 42s, 47s, 50s (3), 50s (4)
3 RFT:
5 weighted dips @ 25
7 dips
9 clapping push-ups
12 push-ups
Time = 14:38
A little disappointed with myself, not because of my score but because I lacked focus and concentration in the first round. This was a tougher routine than it sounded, so now I have a score to beat. However, I was much too chatty at the start and I need to be more consistently disciplined, especially with RFTs and Amraps.
DB fly to press combo @ 22s
10-10, 10-10, 10-6
bench press,
clapping push-ups,
piston bench press,
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Olympic lifting
Hang cleans 5 x 5 @ 120 115
4, 4, 4, 4, 4 = 20
This was somewhat more comfortable than I expected. However, while I was removing the plates after the fifth set, I noticed the bar didn't have smooth bits on the end, so this might have been the bar that's slightly lighter than the others (i.e. less than 45lb). Therefore, it's possible I was cleaning less than 120lb. Just in case, I switched the bar for the rest of my lifting routines today.
I attempted 1 rep @ 260 but failed; I couldn't move the bar off the ground. I'm pretty pleased with 255lb, though - a significant improvement on my previous heaviest deadlift.
Grace: 30 x power clean and jerk @ 95 (from the ground)
Time = 8:40
This is the first time I've done this routine from the ground. With my previous attempt - with poorer form than today on the jerks/presses - I had the bar on safeties at 2 holes. In November 2010 my time was 13:24.
I haven't done any sprinting for a long time, since I injured my ankle playing soccer last year, so I did a few 100yd sprints in the parking lot.
100 yd sprints; 1 minute rest between rounds.
Time = 15:04, 15:02, 16:07, 16:04
I had intended to do 5 rounds, but after the 4th it felt like my legs were going to seize up. I thought both my glutes and calves were going to get cramp, and I was lying on the grass in agony. My training doesn't usually make me feel old, but shit, these sprints did! I felt so slow while I was running, like I was in slow motion. There's only a 1-second difference between my first and last run, but the last one felt like I was almost jogging. I don't remember sprinting feeling like this. On the plus side, I was less than 6 seconds from breaking a world record today!
4, 4, 4, 4, 4 = 20
This was somewhat more comfortable than I expected. However, while I was removing the plates after the fifth set, I noticed the bar didn't have smooth bits on the end, so this might have been the bar that's slightly lighter than the others (i.e. less than 45lb). Therefore, it's possible I was cleaning less than 120lb. Just in case, I switched the bar for the rest of my lifting routines today.
I attempted 1 rep @ 260 but failed; I couldn't move the bar off the ground. I'm pretty pleased with 255lb, though - a significant improvement on my previous heaviest deadlift.
Grace: 30 x power clean and jerk @ 95 (from the ground)
Time = 8:40
This is the first time I've done this routine from the ground. With my previous attempt - with poorer form than today on the jerks/presses - I had the bar on safeties at 2 holes. In November 2010 my time was 13:24.
I haven't done any sprinting for a long time, since I injured my ankle playing soccer last year, so I did a few 100yd sprints in the parking lot.
100 yd sprints; 1 minute rest between rounds.
Time = 15:04, 15:02, 16:07, 16:04
I had intended to do 5 rounds, but after the 4th it felt like my legs were going to seize up. I thought both my glutes and calves were going to get cramp, and I was lying on the grass in agony. My training doesn't usually make me feel old, but shit, these sprints did! I felt so slow while I was running, like I was in slow motion. There's only a 1-second difference between my first and last run, but the last one felt like I was almost jogging. I don't remember sprinting feeling like this. On the plus side, I was less than 6 seconds from breaking a world record today!
hang clean,
power clean and press,
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Shorter workout today, due to work commitments.
Pull-ups - 5 x max reps
12, 9, 7, 5, 5
I had this routine written on a piece of paper, along with the number of reps to aim for with each set: 16, 11, 9, 8, 8. I was disappointed because I was some way short of these numbers. Then I realised I'd copied them from Paul's blog - they're his reps, not my previous ones!
Wide neutral-grip cable rows - 5 x max reps @ 100
9, 9, 8, 8, 7
I've had higher reps before, but with only 90lb.
Amrap 12:
3 wide-grip pull-ups (gripping just inside the bend)
5 neutral-grip pull-ups
Score = 8 + 2 wgp
Wall curls @ 22s
10, 7, 6
Pull-ups - 5 x max reps
12, 9, 7, 5, 5
I had this routine written on a piece of paper, along with the number of reps to aim for with each set: 16, 11, 9, 8, 8. I was disappointed because I was some way short of these numbers. Then I realised I'd copied them from Paul's blog - they're his reps, not my previous ones!
Wide neutral-grip cable rows - 5 x max reps @ 100
9, 9, 8, 8, 7
I've had higher reps before, but with only 90lb.
Amrap 12:
3 wide-grip pull-ups (gripping just inside the bend)
5 neutral-grip pull-ups
Score = 8 + 2 wgp
Wall curls @ 22s
10, 7, 6
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
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Crossfit Kids |
200, 220, 245, 270, 285 (2)
A new PR, but a bit wobbly on the way up for the second rep at 285.
3 rounds:
10 reverse lunges @ 115 (5 per leg)
10 back squats @ 115 (full rom; no risers)
All rounds unbroken, which is an improvement on last time.
For time:
20 back squats @ 145 (to 4 risers)
20 jump squats @ 95
Time = 6:06
My PR was 7:53, so this is a big improvement. I planned on doing this a few week ago, but for some reason did body-weight jump squats instead of with a 95lb barbell. I remembered this time!
Leg extensions drop sets 110-65
15-9, 13-7, 15-7
A bit better than last time (14-8, 12-7, 15-7), but bloody hell this hurt. I often let out loud grunts through sheer effort; today I did it because the leg extensions were painful. When I'd finished I went to get some spray to clean off my sweat from the seat. I was walking so slowly by the time I got back someone was already using the machine!
back squats,
jump squats,
Monday, 20 June 2011
Early start + no McD's coffee = brain dead.
Incline rack bench press 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (safeties @ 10 holes)
(115 - warm-up) 125, 130, 135, 140 (2), 140 (2)
Weighted dips 5, 5, 5, 5
(25 - warm-up) 30, 32 (4), 32 (4), 32 (3)
Flat dumbbell bench press - 5 x 4 @ 52
4, 4, 4, 3
6 rft:
5 db military presses @ 30s
10 true push-ups
Time = 12:24
At first I thought 30s were too light because the first round was unbroken. However, from the second set I had to break it down into doubles and singles. Also, I didn't lock out my arms for a couple of reps, so I did them again.
Dumbbell incline flies @ 22s - 3 x max reps
10, 9, 8
The lack of coffee and an earlier start time seemed to throw me off today. I just felt like my routine was different and threw off my rhythm!
Incline rack bench press 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (safeties @ 10 holes)
(115 - warm-up) 125, 130, 135, 140 (2), 140 (2)
Weighted dips 5, 5, 5, 5
(25 - warm-up) 30, 32 (4), 32 (4), 32 (3)
Flat dumbbell bench press - 5 x 4 @ 52
4, 4, 4, 3
6 rft:
5 db military presses @ 30s
10 true push-ups
Time = 12:24
At first I thought 30s were too light because the first round was unbroken. However, from the second set I had to break it down into doubles and singles. Also, I didn't lock out my arms for a couple of reps, so I did them again.
Dumbbell incline flies @ 22s - 3 x max reps
10, 9, 8
The lack of coffee and an earlier start time seemed to throw me off today. I just felt like my routine was different and threw off my rhythm!
Saturday, 18 June 2011
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Angie Frye |
Bike 2 mile @ resistance 10
20 rounds of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Bike 2 mile @ resistance 10
Time = 44:04
My PR was 47:09 doing only 15 rounds of Cindy, so that's some improvement, not just of physical strength but also mental. Having said that, after I'd completed the push-ups in round 17 I totally zoned out and stayed sitting on the ground when I should have been getting ready to squat! Also, on the way home Cher was amused at my attempts to calculate how many reps I'd done of each exercise (I know, I know), but my mind couldn't figure out 20 x 15 squats.
I was worried that there would be rowing today because my back was sore when I woke up, but there wasn't anything today that caused me any problems. However, I'm going to be helping my sister-in-law move her store - Lilies White - to a new location, so there's going to be plenty of lifting. Sheesh!
Thursday, 16 June 2011
For time:
Cycle 4 laps @ 8 resistance (1 mile)
50 burpees
50 box jumps @ 24"
Cycle 3 laps @ 8 resistance (0.75 mile)
50 burpees
50 box jumps @ 24"
Cycle 2 laps @ 8 resistance (0.5 mile)
50 burpees
50 box jumps @ 24"
Time = 43:54
Jeez, I thought I was going to drown in my own sweat! This definitely got my heart pumping. I was going to end today's training with some 100yd sprints in the parking lot, but I had nothing left in the tank.
Cycle 4 laps @ 8 resistance (1 mile)
50 burpees
50 box jumps @ 24"
Cycle 3 laps @ 8 resistance (0.75 mile)
50 burpees
50 box jumps @ 24"
Cycle 2 laps @ 8 resistance (0.5 mile)
50 burpees
50 box jumps @ 24"
Time = 43:54
Jeez, I thought I was going to drown in my own sweat! This definitely got my heart pumping. I was going to end today's training with some 100yd sprints in the parking lot, but I had nothing left in the tank.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
My upper back was pretty sore today before I'd even done my workout. No idea why because yesterday was a leg day. Can't imagine that resting a heavy bar on my shoulders would cause this. Subsequently, it took me a little time to loosen up.
Resistance band neutral grip pull-ups (purple) max reps:
3, 3, 3, 3, 2
I had to do the first set twice because I used a 40lb dumbbell to hold down the resistance band but it was too light. When I got to the third rep I realised the weight was lifting off the ground! I rested a minute then started again.
Cable row max reps @ 150:
6, 5, 5, 4, 4
12-10-8-6-4-2 reps for time:
Power cleans @ 105 (bar set on safeties at first hole)
Kipping pull-ups
Time = 14:26
I watched a YouTube coaching video to help with my form, which seemed to help with getting some decent power. And yeah, this young girl is kicking my arse with a heavier weight than the one I used. Bloody kids.
Incline curls @ 22s
6, 6, 5
Resistance band neutral grip pull-ups (purple) max reps:
3, 3, 3, 3, 2
I had to do the first set twice because I used a 40lb dumbbell to hold down the resistance band but it was too light. When I got to the third rep I realised the weight was lifting off the ground! I rested a minute then started again.
Cable row max reps @ 150:
6, 5, 5, 4, 4
12-10-8-6-4-2 reps for time:
Power cleans @ 105 (bar set on safeties at first hole)
Kipping pull-ups
Time = 14:26
I watched a YouTube coaching video to help with my form, which seemed to help with getting some decent power. And yeah, this young girl is kicking my arse with a heavier weight than the one I used. Bloody kids.
Incline curls @ 22s
6, 6, 5
cable row,
hang clean,
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Back squats to 4 risers 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
135, 155, 185, 190 (2), 190 (2)
A new PR, albeit for only 2 reps.
Step-ups 4 x 5 per leg @ 60s (7 risers + step)
5, 5, 4, 3
For the last 2 sets I used straps to help me hold onto the dumbbells, but it was still tough to keep a grip. I haven't done step-ups in a long time and my form was a bit shaky. I'm not 100% happy with how I did these - my opposite leg often came up too quickly, thus taking some of the strain - so this is something I'll have to work on. Perhaps I'll use lighter weights so I can concentrate on form.
100 front squats @ 105 to 4 risers
Time = 15:54
I've done 100 front squats before but with only 95lb and to 5 risers. That was just over 2 minutes quicker than today's time, but the extra weight and depth is a decent trade-off. The first set was 8 reps; most of the rest were 5 reps.
Single leg leg extensions 3x10 @ 50
This wasn't easy, but could have been more challenging. All 3 sets were unbroken, so I'll try it at 65 next time.
Today's workout felt particularly tough because although I don't have much soreness from Saturday I felt like there wasn't much strength in my legs.
135, 155, 185, 190 (2), 190 (2)
A new PR, albeit for only 2 reps.
Step-ups 4 x 5 per leg @ 60s (7 risers + step)
5, 5, 4, 3
For the last 2 sets I used straps to help me hold onto the dumbbells, but it was still tough to keep a grip. I haven't done step-ups in a long time and my form was a bit shaky. I'm not 100% happy with how I did these - my opposite leg often came up too quickly, thus taking some of the strain - so this is something I'll have to work on. Perhaps I'll use lighter weights so I can concentrate on form.
100 front squats @ 105 to 4 risers
Time = 15:54
I've done 100 front squats before but with only 95lb and to 5 risers. That was just over 2 minutes quicker than today's time, but the extra weight and depth is a decent trade-off. The first set was 8 reps; most of the rest were 5 reps.
Single leg leg extensions 3x10 @ 50
This wasn't easy, but could have been more challenging. All 3 sets were unbroken, so I'll try it at 65 next time.
Today's workout felt particularly tough because although I don't have much soreness from Saturday I felt like there wasn't much strength in my legs.
back squats,
front squats,
leg extensions,
Monday, 13 June 2011
Rack bench press(7 holes, small bench) 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
130, 140, 145, 150, 155 (2)
Single arm military press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 pr arm
32, 35, 37 (4), 37 (5), 40 (3)
Good improvement. Last time I did this the last 3 sets were all 3 reps @ 37lb.
Incline db bench press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
40s, 45s, 47s, 50s (4), 50s (4)
Not the heaviest I've ever done, but when I did these over a month ago they were the first routine of the day.
4 rounds, each for time:
15 dips
20 push-ups
1 minute rest in between
Individual times: 2:05, 3:35, 3:43, 4:13
I had my previous times written down, so I had to double-check my watch to make sure I was reading it right. Unless I'm misinterpreting my April times, this is a massive improvement. Back then, I recorded the 4 times as 2:45, 4:13, 6:12, 8:54. I can't remember what my previous strategy was, but today I took ample rest when I felt I needed to and didn't fail on a single rep in either exercise. My form for the dips was the same - just below parallel.
130, 140, 145, 150, 155 (2)
Single arm military press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 pr arm
32, 35, 37 (4), 37 (5), 40 (3)
Good improvement. Last time I did this the last 3 sets were all 3 reps @ 37lb.
Incline db bench press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
40s, 45s, 47s, 50s (4), 50s (4)
Not the heaviest I've ever done, but when I did these over a month ago they were the first routine of the day.
4 rounds, each for time:
15 dips
20 push-ups
1 minute rest in between
Individual times: 2:05, 3:35, 3:43, 4:13
I had my previous times written down, so I had to double-check my watch to make sure I was reading it right. Unless I'm misinterpreting my April times, this is a massive improvement. Back then, I recorded the 4 times as 2:45, 4:13, 6:12, 8:54. I can't remember what my previous strategy was, but today I took ample rest when I felt I needed to and didn't fail on a single rep in either exercise. My form for the dips was the same - just below parallel.
bench press,
military press,
Saturday, 11 June 2011
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Heather Bergeron |
40 front squats @ 125
Every break do 10 jump squats - not at the end
(6 breaks)
I only managed 5 reps in the first round, but that's because I tried to use a grip with my thumbs on top and the bar started to slip. I switched to my usual - albeit "incorrect" - grip with thumbs under the bar and felt more in control.
3 rounds:
10 reverse lunges @ 115 (5 per leg)
10 back squats @ 115
(Only set 3 broken)
For time:
20 bs @ 135
30 bs @ 115
40 air squats
20 traveling lunges @ 50s (total)
30 traveling lunges @ 35s (total)
40 traveling lunges (total)
Time = 15:12
The back squats throughout today's session were quite painful when I was in the lower part of the movement. This felt more like stiffness and doms, rather than a typical injury pain. This might be left over from Wednesday's deadlifts. It felt fine immediately afterward, so I'm not too worried about it. However, it might be an indication that I need to do more stretching and warming up.
back squats,
front squats,
jump lunges,
jump squats,
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Olympic lifting and conditioning
Hang cleans - 5 x 5 @ 115
4, 4, 4, 4, 4 = 20
I previously managed 5 reps in the first round of cleans, so when I only got 4 today I thought I wouldn't hit my target total of 20. However, I was consistent with every set so got there quite comfortably. In fact, I think my technique felt better and more comfortable with every set.
Cindy - amrap 20:
5 x pull-ups (kipping)
10 x push-ups
15 x air squats
Score = 14 rounds plus 5 pull-ups/3 push-ups
My PR is 13 rounds plus 5 pull-ups, so that's a good improvement. However, to put this in context, I usually do a couple of heavy weight routines before I do Cindy, whereas I only did hang cleans today. Still, I got a serious sweat going, so it was still a good workout. My first round took 36 seconds, and the first two sets were unbroken, which is a first for me. Around 5 sets in I thought I was going to lose my breakfast, probably from the fast air squats.
It' going to be a while before I can beat Spealler, though.
I kept my training a bit shorter today so I'd have some time to practice technique and form with overhead squats. I tried to follow the advice from Austin Malleolo in this video (about a quarter of the way in). I used a wall and bench to help get my posture right with just bodyweight squats before progressing to an empty 45lb bar. I finished with 4 sets of 3 reps by adding 20lb to the bar (10lb plate on each side). This took some practice to get the right grip for me - not too narrow nor too wide. Afterward, Cher said she thought my knees were coming too far forward when I squatted down. I don't know if that's true - I can't tell from looking head-on at the mirror - but I can see in the video that my knees shouldn't be ahead of my feet. Perhaps I'll video myself doing a few reps next week so I can see.
4, 4, 4, 4, 4 = 20
I previously managed 5 reps in the first round of cleans, so when I only got 4 today I thought I wouldn't hit my target total of 20. However, I was consistent with every set so got there quite comfortably. In fact, I think my technique felt better and more comfortable with every set.
Cindy - amrap 20:
5 x pull-ups (kipping)
10 x push-ups
15 x air squats
Score = 14 rounds plus 5 pull-ups/3 push-ups
My PR is 13 rounds plus 5 pull-ups, so that's a good improvement. However, to put this in context, I usually do a couple of heavy weight routines before I do Cindy, whereas I only did hang cleans today. Still, I got a serious sweat going, so it was still a good workout. My first round took 36 seconds, and the first two sets were unbroken, which is a first for me. Around 5 sets in I thought I was going to lose my breakfast, probably from the fast air squats.
It' going to be a while before I can beat Spealler, though.
I kept my training a bit shorter today so I'd have some time to practice technique and form with overhead squats. I tried to follow the advice from Austin Malleolo in this video (about a quarter of the way in). I used a wall and bench to help get my posture right with just bodyweight squats before progressing to an empty 45lb bar. I finished with 4 sets of 3 reps by adding 20lb to the bar (10lb plate on each side). This took some practice to get the right grip for me - not too narrow nor too wide. Afterward, Cher said she thought my knees were coming too far forward when I squatted down. I don't know if that's true - I can't tell from looking head-on at the mirror - but I can see in the video that my knees shouldn't be ahead of my feet. Perhaps I'll video myself doing a few reps next week so I can see.
hang clean,
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Rack deadlifts (2 holes): 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
185, 205, 215, 225, 245
The 4th rep of the last set was a bit wobbly because I tried to move too quickly, rather than control the movement. The last rep was much better.
Cable row: 5 x max reps @ 145
5, 5, 5, 4, 3 = 22
More reps than last time, with better form (no leaning back and the handles nearly touched my torso). Time to up the weight.
Amrap 15:
3 x pull-ups
6 x chin-ups
Score = 11 + 3 pull-ups and 4 chin-ups
That's almost a full round better than my PB (10 rounds + 3 pull-ups and 5 chin-ups)
Wall curls @ 22s
9, 7, 6
Fewer reps than last time, but slightly more weight (the 20s were being used).
185, 205, 215, 225, 245
The 4th rep of the last set was a bit wobbly because I tried to move too quickly, rather than control the movement. The last rep was much better.
Cable row: 5 x max reps @ 145
5, 5, 5, 4, 3 = 22
More reps than last time, with better form (no leaning back and the handles nearly touched my torso). Time to up the weight.
Amrap 15:
3 x pull-ups
6 x chin-ups
Score = 11 + 3 pull-ups and 4 chin-ups
That's almost a full round better than my PB (10 rounds + 3 pull-ups and 5 chin-ups)
Wall curls @ 22s
9, 7, 6
Fewer reps than last time, but slightly more weight (the 20s were being used).
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Partial squats 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
195, 215, 235, 260, 280
First time hitting all 3 reps at 280.
Front squats 5 x max reps @ 115 to 4 risers
11, 9, 8, 7, 6 = 41 (PR total = 39)
I really need to sort out my front squat grip. My right thumb hurt like hell while I was doing these.
For time:
30 Bulgarian splits @ 95 (30 per leg)
Time = 5:50
With 3 reps to go of the whole routine I clipped one of the cage's uprights and that threw me off balance. I nearly toppled over but - with a very loud "Oh, shit!" - just managed to stand upright and continue. That cost me a few seconds, but I still PRed. I used the taller bench to rest my back foot on; not sure if that makes a difference.
For time:
20 x back squats @ 145
20 x jump squats
Time = 4:36
I was really pleased with this time - my PR is 7:53 - until I noticed I was supposed to do the jump squats with 95lb. I only did bodyweight jumps. Twit!
Leg extensions - 50 reps @ 95
195, 215, 235, 260, 280
First time hitting all 3 reps at 280.
Front squats 5 x max reps @ 115 to 4 risers
11, 9, 8, 7, 6 = 41 (PR total = 39)
I really need to sort out my front squat grip. My right thumb hurt like hell while I was doing these.
For time:
30 Bulgarian splits @ 95 (30 per leg)
Time = 5:50
With 3 reps to go of the whole routine I clipped one of the cage's uprights and that threw me off balance. I nearly toppled over but - with a very loud "Oh, shit!" - just managed to stand upright and continue. That cost me a few seconds, but I still PRed. I used the taller bench to rest my back foot on; not sure if that makes a difference.
For time:
20 x back squats @ 145
20 x jump squats
Time = 4:36
I was really pleased with this time - my PR is 7:53 - until I noticed I was supposed to do the jump squats with 95lb. I only did bodyweight jumps. Twit!
Leg extensions - 50 reps @ 95
Monday, 6 June 2011
Rack bench press 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (small bench, 7 holes)
130, 135, 140, 150, 155 (1)
Military press 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
65, 70, 75, 80 (2), 80 (2)
Dumbbell piston bench press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (per arm)
[45s (5/4)] 40s (5/5), 42s (5/5), 45s (5/5), 47s (3/3), 47s (3/3)
I misjudged the starting weight for this routine - the first time I've done it - and went too heavy. I managed 5 reps with my left shoulder but it felt quite painful and was clicking, possibly due to not being loosened up enough. Also, my right - supposedly my strongest - arm failed after 4 reps. I started again with 40s and gradually increased the weight. My left shoulder only hurt with that first aborted attempt.
Push-ups - 3 x max reps
30, 22, 14
3 RFT:
10 bench press @ 115 (small bench, 7 holes)
10 dumbbell push presses @ 40s
10 dumbbell front raises @ 20s
Time = 15:11
Another routine where I misjudged the weight and set-up. I originally had the safeties at 6 holes and the weight at 125lb. I really struggled to get just 2 reps, so I lowered the weight to 115lb, but left the bar at the same height. Again, that was a real struggle, so I stayed at 115lb and moved the safeties to 7 holes. That felt like the right set-up as I was able to complete 7 reps before taking a break. In the last round I could only manage doubles and singles for the bench presses. The rounds of push presses and raises were typically completed in 2 or 3 sets.
130, 135, 140, 150, 155 (1)
Military press 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
65, 70, 75, 80 (2), 80 (2)
Dumbbell piston bench press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (per arm)
[45s (5/4)] 40s (5/5), 42s (5/5), 45s (5/5), 47s (3/3), 47s (3/3)
I misjudged the starting weight for this routine - the first time I've done it - and went too heavy. I managed 5 reps with my left shoulder but it felt quite painful and was clicking, possibly due to not being loosened up enough. Also, my right - supposedly my strongest - arm failed after 4 reps. I started again with 40s and gradually increased the weight. My left shoulder only hurt with that first aborted attempt.
Push-ups - 3 x max reps
30, 22, 14
3 RFT:
10 bench press @ 115 (small bench, 7 holes)
10 dumbbell push presses @ 40s
10 dumbbell front raises @ 20s
Time = 15:11
Another routine where I misjudged the weight and set-up. I originally had the safeties at 6 holes and the weight at 125lb. I really struggled to get just 2 reps, so I lowered the weight to 115lb, but left the bar at the same height. Again, that was a real struggle, so I stayed at 115lb and moved the safeties to 7 holes. That felt like the right set-up as I was able to complete 7 reps before taking a break. In the last round I could only manage doubles and singles for the bench presses. The rounds of push presses and raises were typically completed in 2 or 3 sets.
bench press,
military press,
piston bench press,
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Personal training with Paul
Resistance band neutral pull-ups (purple band); max reps:
3, 3, 3, 3, 2
Chest to bar chin-ups; 5 x max reps:
8, 7, 6, 5, 5 = 31
7 RFT:
5 pull-ups
5 kipping pull-ups
5 inverted rows
Time = 14:57
Wall curls @ 20s:
13, 10, 9
I was pretty exhausted before today's workout because of a long, hard week - a combination of waking up early due to the early morning sun, tough training, Madi's activities, New Hamburg Live arts festival, and work. I don't think it affected my strength, but it certainly affected my mental state. I didn't feel as focused as normal, and that was noticeable during the met-con. Recently, I've found that I'm able to gauge accurately when my body needs rest during a routine, but that was a bit of a struggle in the early stages of the pull-ups. The first round went well, but I failed several times during the second. I started to get back on track from round 3 onwards, but round 2 cost me some time.
Still, I'm not being too hard on myself. This wasn't due to a lack of discipline, just a confluence of lots of things catching up with me at the same time. Next week should be better.
Resistance band neutral pull-ups (purple band); max reps:
3, 3, 3, 3, 2
Chest to bar chin-ups; 5 x max reps:
8, 7, 6, 5, 5 = 31
7 RFT:
5 pull-ups
5 kipping pull-ups
5 inverted rows
Time = 14:57
Wall curls @ 20s:
13, 10, 9
I was pretty exhausted before today's workout because of a long, hard week - a combination of waking up early due to the early morning sun, tough training, Madi's activities, New Hamburg Live arts festival, and work. I don't think it affected my strength, but it certainly affected my mental state. I didn't feel as focused as normal, and that was noticeable during the met-con. Recently, I've found that I'm able to gauge accurately when my body needs rest during a routine, but that was a bit of a struggle in the early stages of the pull-ups. The first round went well, but I failed several times during the second. I started to get back on track from round 3 onwards, but round 2 cost me some time.
Still, I'm not being too hard on myself. This wasn't due to a lack of discipline, just a confluence of lots of things catching up with me at the same time. Next week should be better.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
My quads and glutes are still painful from Tuesday's leg session, so I wasn't looking forward to the box jumps today.
This was inspired by one of Paul's routines, but I switched a few of the exercises.
50 box jumps @ 28"
50 dumbbell snatches @ 40lb (25 per arm; finish left arm before switching)
50 burpees
50 chin-up
50 jump lunges per leg
50 sit-ups
Time = 32:08
I actually started this routine with 30" box jumps and got as far as 9 reps but the box wobbled when I began to feel fatigued. I wasn't landing cleanly on the box and the 9th rep nearly made the whole set up topple over. I was concerned that box jumps at that height wouldn't be safe when I was really tired, so I stopped my watch, removed one riser from each side, then started again.
With the dumbbell snatches I had intended to use 45lb, but after I tried a few reps before the actual workout I felt that I wouldn't be able to handle that weight as part of a longer workout. In the end 40lb was still challenging. I started with 7 reps on my left, then couldn't manage more than 5 consecutive reps after that.
I still wanted to do a routine with 30" box jumps so I made up a quick one on the spot to finish.
5 RFT:
5 box jumps @ 30"
10 squat thrusts
Time = 7:22
I screwed up the first box jump and nearly went face-first into the wall! That was fatigue rather than lack of confidence. However, I wasn't 100% happy with my form on all reps because I didn't open up my hips and stand upright every time like I normally do.
I was reading a magazine early this morning before breakfast and there was a short article that referred to squat thrusts. I remember doing a squat thrust exercise when I was a kid at school, and that's what I did today. However, afterward I found demo videos on YouTube and it looks like the North American version is more like a burpee. The Brit technique is to get in a push-up position and bring your knees in quickly so that they're by your elbows; you don't stand or jump up.
When I got home I remembered I had a client meeting and I had to cycle there. Right now there isn't a part of me that doesn't feel exhausted. The worst part is - how can I put this delicately - my ass hurts like a bitch. Jesus.
This was inspired by one of Paul's routines, but I switched a few of the exercises.
50 box jumps @ 28"
50 dumbbell snatches @ 40lb (25 per arm; finish left arm before switching)
50 burpees
50 chin-up
50 jump lunges per leg
50 sit-ups
Time = 32:08
I actually started this routine with 30" box jumps and got as far as 9 reps but the box wobbled when I began to feel fatigued. I wasn't landing cleanly on the box and the 9th rep nearly made the whole set up topple over. I was concerned that box jumps at that height wouldn't be safe when I was really tired, so I stopped my watch, removed one riser from each side, then started again.
With the dumbbell snatches I had intended to use 45lb, but after I tried a few reps before the actual workout I felt that I wouldn't be able to handle that weight as part of a longer workout. In the end 40lb was still challenging. I started with 7 reps on my left, then couldn't manage more than 5 consecutive reps after that.
I still wanted to do a routine with 30" box jumps so I made up a quick one on the spot to finish.
5 RFT:
5 box jumps @ 30"
10 squat thrusts
Time = 7:22
I screwed up the first box jump and nearly went face-first into the wall! That was fatigue rather than lack of confidence. However, I wasn't 100% happy with my form on all reps because I didn't open up my hips and stand upright every time like I normally do.
I was reading a magazine early this morning before breakfast and there was a short article that referred to squat thrusts. I remember doing a squat thrust exercise when I was a kid at school, and that's what I did today. However, afterward I found demo videos on YouTube and it looks like the North American version is more like a burpee. The Brit technique is to get in a push-up position and bring your knees in quickly so that they're by your elbows; you don't stand or jump up.
When I got home I remembered I had a client meeting and I had to cycle there. Right now there isn't a part of me that doesn't feel exhausted. The worst part is - how can I put this delicately - my ass hurts like a bitch. Jesus.
box jumps,
jump lunges,
squat thrusts,
total body
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Not a great workout today. I felt like I didn't have enough energy; no idea why.
Incline db bench press: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
(Warm up with 30s) 40s, 45s, 50s (4), 50s (4), 50 (1)
That single rep in the last set was a struggle. I nearly dropped the left dumbbell on my face!
Rack bench press (small bench, 6 holes - one hole lower than normal)
95 (12), 105 (6), 110 (4.5), 115 (3), 95 (10)
For time:
30 x push press @ 95
30 x db military press @ 27s
30 x dips
30 x CrossFit push-ups (hands off the floor at the bottom)
Time = 19:07
That's significantly lower than the last time I did this (18:18)
Incline db bench press: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
(Warm up with 30s) 40s, 45s, 50s (4), 50s (4), 50 (1)
That single rep in the last set was a struggle. I nearly dropped the left dumbbell on my face!
Rack bench press (small bench, 6 holes - one hole lower than normal)
95 (12), 105 (6), 110 (4.5), 115 (3), 95 (10)
For time:
30 x push press @ 95
30 x db military press @ 27s
30 x dips
30 x CrossFit push-ups (hands off the floor at the bottom)
Time = 19:07
That's significantly lower than the last time I did this (18:18)
bench press,