Tuesday 8 March 2011


Partial squats 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
190, 210, 230, 250, 260 (F)


10 RFT:
3 x front squats @ 130
5 x back squats @ 130
Both to parallel (5 risers)

Time = 13:10 (PR = 13:18)


For time:
50 x stationary lunges @ 55s
Every time I drop the dumbbells do 15 air squats and 10 max air jump squats

Time = 15:51


Strange day today because the whole of my back feels sore after yesterday's 300 workout. It's just doms, not injury pain, but today I felt like it was limiting my range of motion. My lower back is sore because of the deadlifts and my upper back is just as bad, perhaps because of the combined pull-ups, floorwipers and DB clean and presses.

The heavy partial squats fell short of my PR. I've squatted 3 reps at 260lb quite comfortably before, but couldn't manage a single rep today. I got down to the safeties, then my legs buckled.

My lack of ability to move freely really showed with the third exercise. This is the first time I've done it with 55s (the last time I used 52.5s) and I could feel my lower back tensing up whenever I did a lunge. My time today is much slower than when I did this with 52.5s and traveling lunges in December 2010.

Certainly not a waste of time today, but I could have done better. At least I beat my PR for the second routine - just!


Paul French said...

I think ya did better than you think ya did. Part 2 the last time (I thought it was done at 125, but I could be wrong) was when you were still struggling to hit that depth in the squats. Today ya went to the risers, last time the squats barely hit parellel, especially the front squats. So it's a harder routine than the previous one, and faster, so nice work.

My guess is the deadlifts are responsible for your lower back and upper back soreness, those damn things work a lot.

Common Sense Design said...

Are you sitting there waiting for me to post to this blog? I only put that up 10 minutes ago!

Yeah, I just checked back and saw that the last time I did part 2 was with 125 and nothing to gauge my depth.

I certainly pushed myself with part 3, despite the score. About a third of the way through I was so out of breath and dizzy I honestly felt like I was going to fall over. I don't know if stationary lunges are tougher than traveling ones, but that - and the weight - was the difference from last time I did this routine.

Paul French said...

heh no I just checked when I got home. I personally find stationary lunges harder, but the only kinds I like doing are travelling and reverse, so ya I would say it was harder, not even counting the heavier weight.

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