Wednesday 16 March 2011


Wide grip pull-ups - 4 x max reps

8, 7, 6, 5


Wide neutral grip cable row - 5 x 5 @ 90

I'll need to increase the weight next time. I managed 5 reps in each set.


DB row 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

70, 75, 80, 80, 85 (4)


5 rounds for time whatever:
5 x chest to bar chin-ups
10 x inverted rows using parallettes

I was aiming to beat Paul's time when he did a similar routine and I think I was moving quite well. Until, that is, I checked my time at the end of the fourth round and realized I HADN'T STARTED MY FUCKING STOPWATCH!! What an idiot.

Just as well, really, because some guy kept jumping onto the chin-up station when I was doing the inverted rows. After I'd finished my fourth round of rows I had to wait for him to finish doing pull-ups.


Paul French said...

Heh I've done that a couple times but only usually miss the first rounds, on workouts like that I usually check between each round, kind of to roughly see how the times compare. No big loss, of the tons and tons of workouts you do, forgetting to time one of the timed components doesn't matter, just try another time.

Common Sense Design said...

I'm sure I was close, too! :-)

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