Saturday 6 August 2011

Full body

Personal training with Paul

Military press 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
75, 80, 85, 85 (F), 80

My shoulders felt so exhausted from the past week's activities, which, I think, is why I didn't do as well as expected with this. This routine seemed to loosen me up, though.


Neutral grip pull-ups - 5 x max
13, 10, 8, 7, 9

Recently I've found that slow, controlled movements for pull-ups allows me to do more reps, rather than racing through them as quickly as possible. The control also prevents me from kipping.


Amrap 15:
5 hang squat cleans @ 105
20 push-ups
Score: 5 rounds (12:18); 6 rounds (14:45)

This would have been better if I'd got my form right in the second round (the first round was unbroken). When my feet landed as I was powering up with the bar, I had too much weight in my toes - rather than my heels - which left me off balance for the front squat. I knew what I was doing wrong, but a temporary lack of concentration meant I repeated the mistake a couple of times. Once I got this right the reps were much smoother and the challenge came from moving the weight, not getting the technique correct.


Rowing test: 30 second intervals
165m, 158m, 150m


Jeez - if I felt tired before today's workout, I know I'm going to be a lot worse tomorrow! When I'd finished, anything that wasn't hurting felt numb. My shoulders and arms were already toast; now I can add my legs and butt to the list.

I was so hungry when I got home, I scarfed a 100% peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat in about 5 minutes.

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