Monday 17 January 2011


Cable row 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
125, 135, 140, 145, 155 (2.5)


20 x cable row - 90% 3RM (130)
20 x pull-ups

Time = 4:40


Amrap 15

3 x pull-ups
6 x chin-ups

Score = 9 plus 5 chin-ups


30 x overhand rows
30 x underhand rows

Time = 5:15


21-15-9 lateral pull-downs @ 70
3-way split: to eye level; eye level to chest; full range of motion

Time = 3:21


Preacher curls (machine):
@ 40 = 10 reps
@ 50 = 4
@ 40 = 5


Paul French said...

fyi, pulldowns do not come to waist, at lowest they come to upper chest, otherwise the shoulders are rotated at a bad angle, think of a such thing as a waist to bar pullup. Nice work though!

Common Sense Design said...

You're forgetting my chest and waist aren't too far apart.

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