Yesterday's lunch: 2 homemade veal and beef burgers topped with eggs fried in olive oil (seasoned with black pepper), plus baked sweet potato with onion and sage. I'm getting into this proper cooking deal! |
I give up. Seriously. My knee - which yesterday felt like someone was hammering a nail into it - is 100% fine today, so I thought I'd do some squats to parallel for the first time in ages. I did a few warm up reps with just the bar, then added plates to take the weight up to 135lb. With the first rep I felt a slight twinge in my hip flexor and the second rep was pretty painful. It's nowhere near as bad as it was, but it hurt enough for me to stop my routine, which was going to be 5 x max reps @ 135. I decided to stay away from leg work today and did a push press routine instead.
Push presses (with 2 second hold) 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
75, 85, 95, 100, 105 (1)
I got the bar overhead again in the last set, but even though I locked out I couldn't hold the bar up for long, so didn't count the second rep.
Alternate sets:
Inverted row (parallettes) - 5 x max: 13, 12, 11, 11, 10
Dips - 5 x max: 11, 10, 9, 8, 8
21-15-9 rft:
OTB jumps @ 20" (per side, so double the number)
True push-ups
Chin-ups (mild kipping allowed)
Time = 15:54
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