Tuesday 8 February 2011

Olympic lifting

Deadlift 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
165, 185, 205, 210, 215 (F)

I practically dropped the barbell at the end of the fourth round because my grip went. I gave up with the first rep of the last round because my back was starting to bend before I started to straighten my legs, so I knew my form was going. I rested a bit longer and tried again, but the same thing happened. At least I got to a respectable weight in round four.


Amrap 15:
Hang cleans @ 110 lb

Score = 41

I'm a bit disappointed with this. I got 10 more reps at the same weight about a month ago. It's not like I was slacking off, though; I tried and failed on a couple of reps, so I was definitely giving it everything I had. I even warmed up for several reps with an empty bar, so it's not like I wasn't ready for this. Just one of those days.


Thrusters @ 95 lb
Kipping pull-ups

Time = 17:17

I completed this in 16:00 back in October 2010, but with only 75 lb for the thrusters. I think the extra 1:17 is a good trade-off for 20 lb more.

This was not the speed at which I was moving, and my kipping was all over the place! Got the job done, though.

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