Monday 7 February 2011


Weighted pull-ups 5 x 5 @ 40 lb
5, 4, 3, 3, 3


For time:
40 x DB rows @ 52.5 lb (per arm)
40 x chin-ups

Time = 9:06

I completed the 40 rows for my left arm before switching to my right. Paul pointed out afterward that it's best to switch arms whenever I take a rest because (a) it's quicker (my left arm is resting while I row with my right) and (b) it means my right arm isn't fatigued more than the left when I get to the chin-ups. I don't think the second point affected me too much because my right arm is significantly stronger anyway. Not a bad time, though.


6 RFT:
3 x wide grip pull-ups
5 x neutral grip pull-ups
7 x neutral grip inverted rows (using parallettes)

Time = 16:05

I must have looked pretty rough while I was doing the rows because a lady at the gym asked me if I was trying to kill myself. Or perhaps she saw me trying to swing across to grab the bar with the wide grip and I nearly toppled over the rack.

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