Personal training with Paul.
For time:
50 x kipping pull-ups
50 x box jumps @ 24"
Row 500 metres
50 x burpees
25 x traveling lunges per leg
25 x alternating kettlebell swings per arm @ 20kg
50 x sit-ups
50 x jump squats
50 x push press @ 45lb
50 x bench-supported lateral hops @ 24" (25 per side)
Time = 43:37
My first full conditioning session with Paul, and this was tough. I was feeling a bit groggy this morning due to a cold/cough, but it didn't really make any difference once I got going. I was worried that I'd be coughing through the whole thing, but I was fine in the end. However, for about two hours afterward I couldn't stop hacking! Not pleasant to be around. I guess the firebreather loosened up the mucus in my chest. Ew!
My time was nearly 10 minutes slower than Paul's, but I'm satisfied I gave it everything I had.
Paul celebrates a hard workout with chicken breasts. I had apple pie at Phidellia's.
Dont forget the weight on the swings, 20 kg, and applie pie eh? Well I just had a chicken Cordon Bleu, so about the same.
Only one piece of pie this time. :-)
What's chicken Cordon Bleu? Never had that before.
It's breaded chicken stuffed with ham and swiss cheese, so ya adds a few extra calories there, but very tasty.
Don't ask Liliana what we just ate for brunch...
something deep fried? Any soreness today? Whenever I do routines like this I am always exhausted after and felt every muscle at some point hurting, but the following day all I'd usually feel is general fatigue (if that). After the above routine I had a very light soreness in my lats, very light and that was all.
I feel a little fatigued, but that's due to my cough as much as anything. It makes a restful night's sleep pretty impossible and I keep waking up early. However, it seems to be a lot better today. I think the heavy breathing yesterday made it feel worse than it really is.
The only part of me that's sore from yesterday's routine is my biceps, which may be due to the kb swings. I can't think of anything else that would cause them to hurt.
Liliana and her family came over for brunch around 10:30am. I ate a lot, but not too much of it was "bad" stuff. Lots of scrambled eggs (whole eggs; of course, Liliana only had egg whites), one very small pancake with some home-made strawberry sauce (no sugar added), two rashers of bacon, and a dessert that Liliana made. It contained wholewheat bread, low-fat cream cheese and fruit. It's 2:00pm now and I'm only just starting to feel peckish. Three and a half hours is a long time for me to go without food!
I doupt the swings made your biceps sore, most likely the pullups did that. That does sound like a pretty good brunch actually. My head feels nice to stuffed after my workout, pretty blah feeling.
A decongestant seems to be helping me. Benylin for Mucous & Phlegm is a waste of time and money. I'll probably be doing your 21-15-9 conditioning routine from last week on Tuesday, as long as I feel better. I felt fine while training yesterday, but coughed up a lung for the next two hours.
I got otrivin and dayquil, seems to do the trick. Sounds like a good idea for the routine, just make sure ya hit those 5 steps each time on the squat cleans.
Where in the gym did you set it up? Did you move the barbell closer to Chris's office where I do my box jumps?
I did it by the power rack, I set the box jump up facing out the window, gave me enough room for all the movements.
The box jump facing out towards the window? That could go horribly wrong if you trip! My chest feels a bit phlegmy today, so I'm only going to be doing metcons this week if I can shake this cough.
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