Saturday 21 January 2012

Full body

Photo time! January 21, 2012. Can't really see much difference over the past 4 months.
Personal training with Paul

Elizabeth: 21-15-9
Squat cleans @ 95
Time = 14:25

I didn't fail on a single rep, which I was pleased about. I felt like I could tell when my body needed to rest and when it was good to go. However, at the back of my mind I wonder if I should have failed on at least 1 rep so I would know I'd pushed myself to the limit. Maybe I'm just being harsh on myself because I know these two moves so well I can accurately pick up the cues from my body.


Alternate sets:

Bench press (6 holes, small bench, starting from the top): 95 x 5, 115 x 5, 120 x 4, 120 x 4, 120 x 3
Chin-ups: 11, 8, 8, 8, 7


75 sit-ups for time: 3:25
I've done these quicker before, but even though I started pretty quickly I simply ran out of steam.


Paul French said...

The only time its not bad when u fail is when you are going heavy, never when in a metcon.

Common Sense Design said...

Does that mean I was right to "listen to my body" and rest when necessary during the squat clean/dips routine, as I suggested?

Paul French said...

absolutely, failing in a metcon is never something you should hope to happen, it doesn't indicate you are working hard enough just means wastes effort and time.

How you feel after and during the metcon indicates you are giving it your all.

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