Monday 16 January 2012


Jenny LaBaw. Something is surely wrong if I look at a fit female body and think, "Nice lats."

Amrap 10:
Power squat clean and jerk @ 95 Power clean, front squat and push jerk @ 95(jeez!)
Score = 26

I did an amrap 10 hang squat clean and jerk with 85lb in April 2011 for a total of 24 reps. This is only a 2 rep improvement, but with 10lb extra and from the ground. I didn't video myself today - there wasn't anywhere I could set up my camera - but I'm pretty sure my form for the jerks was pretty good. As this was an amrap, I didn't keep the bar overhead for long, but my arms locked out and the bar was straight above my shoulders, not in front. Of course, I have no way of knowing what my form was like last year, but I'm guessing it wasn't as good as today.


Half Angie:
50 x squats (hamstring to calf)
50 x push-ups
50 x pull-ups
50 x sit-ups
Time = 14:29

That's 3:01 better than a year ago. I would have been even quicker if I was using the pull-up bar in the squat rack, but that was already being used. I used the other pull-ups station, which meant limited kipping because the whole set-up wobbles from side to side and I was afraid of the whole thing toppling over. My pull-ups weren't strict, but certainly slower than they would have been in the squat rack.


Paul French said...

"Power Squat Clean"
?????? Seriously.....have you forgotten the speal about how those don't exist....we've had that speal twice now lol!

Common Sense Design said...

Oh, all right - squat clean! Or, to be more accurate, power clean followed immediately by a front squat. I do this, then as soon as the bar hits my chest I go into a front squat.

Paul French said...

So you do a power clean and front squat then, which you also did here

At the 45 second mark you did that, which is fine, but more 2 different movements than one.

Common Sense Design said...

Yeah, that's what I did (only a bit more elegant today because it was much lighter). So, 1 power clean, 1 front squat, 1 push jerk. You're bloody hard work, you know that? :-) I should have just videoed and aid "I did this!"

Paul French said...

hah you always say you want to learn to do it the right way, that means I'm a picky pain in the ass.

Common Sense Design said...

Do you have any videos of squat cleans, starting from the ground?

Common Sense Design said...

Never mind - found one.

Paul French said...

If you reset at the top, it no longer becomes a squat clean, for it to be a squat clean you must drop right into the squat out of the clean, otherwise it's 2 different movements.

Common Sense Design said...

Yeah, I should practice the mechanics of this more often with lighter weight. I can do it with hang clean, but my coordination goes haywire when I try it with power cleans from the ground. Sometimes I start to squat too soon, before the bar hits my chest, which means I'm never completely upright.

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