Saturday 28 May 2011


Personal training with Paul

Bench press 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
105, 115, 125, 135 (2), 135 (2)


Single arm military press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
32, 35, 37 (3), 37 (3), 37 (3)


For time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 dips
8 push-ups after each set

Time = 13:11

Big improvement over last time, back in February. Knocked off more than 6 minutes!


Iso dips, total 60 seconds


Machine chest fly with hold @ 50
7, 6, 5


Paul French said...

wow I didnt realize you're old time was that slow on the dip pushup thing before, very nice improvement there. Also it must have been a error on the sheet but I do know you got 3 reps on all 3 of the sets done with the 37.

Common Sense Design said...

I was surprised at the difference, too. I remember I had a lot of failed reps in February - that's the difference between then and today. This morning I pretty much knew exactly when to try another rep after I'd rested.

And yeah, I thought I'd done 3 reps on the first 37lb set, too. But apparently "the pen doesn't lie..." :-)

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