Saturday 23 June 2012


Squat cleans
95 x 3
115 x 3
125 x 3
135 x 3
140 x 1.5!

I was so close to completing the second rep at 140lb, which would have been a PR (I've done a 1RM at 140lb). I felt like I started to lose my balance and dropped the weight forward. Crap!


Power snatches
65 x 3
75 x 3
80 x 3
90 x 3
95 x 1

I felt a bit weak with these during the heavier weights, and had to rely on too much pushing to get the bar locked out overhead.


I finished off with about 10 minutes of skipping. I didn't time myself or count reps, but just skipped in the yoga room with The Prodigy playing loudly. It's been a long time since I've heard "Firestarter". It got me all nostalgic while helping to get my heart rate up!


Paul French said...

I hope this doesn't sound mean, but you went right back to doing cleans the way I told you not too. Your elbows again are pointed almost right into the ground and you keep a full grip on the bar meaning your wrists and taking a majority of the weight. I know you like going heavy on cleans, but because you've been doing it this way for so long it's become your default form and it needs to be changed.

Think about long term, if you damage something in your wrists (very popular on cleans this style according to several professionals), that will be it for bench, overhead press, front squats, and of course cleans themselves. Please only do cleans if you are able to catch them with your elbows pointed straight ahead.

Common Sense Design said...

I meant to ask you about my grip for squat cleans, specifically when I'm doing more than one rep per set (i.e not 1RM). If I'm holding the bar in position on my clavicle with only two fingers, what should I do about gripping the bar when I need to lower it to the ground for the second clean? So, for example, should I hold the bar in position with two fingers on the first squat, then when I stand up, adjust the grip to a full one so I can lower the bar to the ground, ready for the second rep?

Paul French said...

he specifically says what do with the grip. If the weight is light enough for me I re-grip the bar on it's way down. Spencer Hendel does that in this video here (cleans is the third movement)

If the weight is near a max I usually re-grip it when it's on my shoulders, and that version is easier as well.

Common Sense Design said...

Shit, Hendel's move looks like it would be a bit of a challenge with my sense of coordination! The way the girl in the Burgener video readjusts looks more achievable for me, but it would be a slower move, so I don't know how I'd do this in a metcon. Definitely needs some practice.

Paul French said...

In a metcon the weight would be lighter and therefore much easier to do it the way hendel does. It's exactly how I do it, on lighter weights or if I'm trying to move fast I re-grip on the way down, on the heavy sets of 1-5 usually I re-grip at the top. Once you do it and get used to it, they seriously are easy and becomes natural.

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