Monday 14 November 2011


I felt nice and rested after 2 days without any exercise, which is just what my body needed.

Christian Thibaudeau demonstrating the strap grip for front squats

Box front squat: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 - small bench, wooden step
95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 150 (3)

Last time I did this I only managed 1 rep at 150lb. I had planned on using a new grip technique I found on YouTube. It uses straps to help hold the bar up and removes stress on the wrists, which is a problem for me when I do a conventional front squat grip. I did ok with a few practice squats using an empty 45lb bar, but when I tried it at 95lb I couldn't maintain a decent grip on the straps. This was because I wasn't able to wrap them properly around both hands. Straps like these Gillingham straps would have been more effective, so I might look into buying some. From 115lb onwards I used a cross-grip, which isn't ideal but it's still the only way I can handle heavier weights.


Back squats: 10 reps at each weight, hamstring to calf
105, 135, 145, 150, 155 (7)

Bugger! I was aiming to replicate Paul's reps, but scaled to roughly 80% of his weight. I was doing fine until the last round and I couldn't manage the full 10 reps. However, this wasn't due to a lack of strength; I felt dizzy coming up from the seventh squat, so I stood for a few seconds trying to get myself together, but I thought I was going to topple over from the dizziness. I think I pissed off some other gym members with all my grunting!


I had planned on doing a lunge routine - both dumbbell and air lunges - but when I tried a few to warm up I could feel a twinge of pain in my left hip, so I decided not to risk it. I didn't feel a thing during either the front or back squats routines, though. In the end, I just went with a quick hang squat clean routine.

20 x hang squat cleans @ 95; full rom
Time = 4:25

The results in the previous few Mondays have been disappointing, but they were all upper body. I think I overdid the upper body exercises because of my dodgy hip, so today's almost totally leg day was a good idea. I did pretty well, so I'm pleased with the outcome.


Paul French said...

I admit I never liked that grip for the front squat, but a regular clean grip doesn't bother my wrist and most things feel weird trying them for the first time. The wraps in Chris's office are the ones I usually use and the ones that work best for that grip, it allows a good grip on the straps.

Nice job on the back squats, normally you couldn't get that low not only because of your hip but your back didn't allow it at all, was that ok today?

Also I took your advice and created my own youtube channel, you can find it in my blog.

Common Sense Design said...

The angle of the strap grip didn't bother me, but I couldn't get a decent tight wrap around one hand to make it worthwhile. I could do my left hand using the right, but after that I was screwed!

I haven't had any serious problems with my back for months. The only time it hurts me now is when I stand around for a couple of hours. Exercise doesn't cause any problems, other than occasional doms from deadlifts. Ironically, standing in the kitchen doing my Sunday cooking tends to hurt me more than lifting heavy weights. My hip hurt a bit when I tried lunges today, but everything else was fine.

I saw the link to your YouTube channel on your blog. Much better video quality! I'm thinking of trying the snatch/wide grip deadlifts tomorrow.

Paul French said...

They certainly are tougher, holding onto the bar was getting tough so I may use straps next time, for me I placed my index finger on the outer ring (can't really tell in the video). The wider grip meant I had to squat down lower it definately feels different.

Common Sense Design said...

On second thoughts, I may need to leave these until later in the week. I have doms in my lower back from all those squats yesterday!

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