Monday 28 May 2012

Full body

My whole body is still sore as hell from Saturday's workout, especially my legs and traps. All I could do was grit my teeth and grind my way through today's workout. (The only other alternative was to do curls for the whole session.)

The first part is Saturday's main site WOD.

Squat clean (t&g) 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
(3 warm up sets @ 95lb)
100, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135 (1), 135

It was a momentary lack of concentration that caused me to fail after the first rep at 135lb, so rather than lighten the weight, I rested 2 minutes then tried again. My 1RM is 140lb, so while I didn't set a new PR, this wasn't a bad result.


The gym was pretty warm and humid today, so I decided to do a routine in the parking lot (still warm, but at least there was a breeze). This is based on Regional Workout #3 and my original (indoor) plan was to substitute the sprints with either clapping push-ups or burpees. 

4 rft:
10 dumbbell snatches (5 per arm) @ 40lb
200 yd sprint
Time = 7:14

I used a mat to avoid beating the crap out of the dumbbell when it touched the ground. In hindsight, 40lb was probably too light. I thought of using a 45lb, but they were both being used. However, looking at my time, even a 47lb might have been a better challenge. For the "sprints" - which turned into more of a fast jog! - I ran from one end of the parking lot, touched the ground with both hands at the far end, then turned and ran back to the mat.

Surprisingly, my legs feel better now than when I woke up!


Paul French said...

If you can now squat clean 135 for 3 reps, your max is probably north of 140 now, nice work.

I've been tempted to try that snatch workout but don't know what weight to use. I would have to go heavier than the girls at least, maybe a 75 or 80 but I may slow down quite a bit.

Common Sense Design said...

My 1RM at 140 felt easier than 3 reps at 135! Every muscle in my legs was creaking, probably due to the 125 squats I did on Saturday.

All the snatches were unbroken and my time was reasonably fast, especially when I consider how slow the third and fourth "sprints" were, which is why I think I went much too light with the dumbbell.

Paul French said...

Not necessarily too light, that particular workout would be considered a 'sprint' workout, look at the times the professionals posted, the faster ends in each region were sub 4 minutes, so the workout should be done with a weight that allows you to move fast.

And you did 124 squats...the last set was 4, not 5 :)

Common Sense Design said...

Ha! I knew you'd get me on that failed rep! :-)

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