Thursday 12 April 2012

Conditioning: 20s Workout

Today was the first time since I returned from England that I feel like I have any energy, so it was a good chance to try a workout I found on the CrossFit Journal. I scaled the weighted portions to allow me to do a quicker routine.

Back squat @ 115lb, 20 reps to parallel, single set
Time = 2:01

Then three rounds, each for time, of:
20 push presses @ 75lb
20 hand-release push ups
20 pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes after each set
Times = 5:39, 6:21, 6:39

Paul advised me to keep the back squats pretty light, and I thought he was underestimating me. He suggested I'd feel dizzy and want to quit halfway through the squats, but it actually took until rep #12! I was staggering around like a drunken sailor with a barbell on my back. 

The push presses were RXed at 95lb, but I wanted to do them quickly while maintaining good form, so lowered the weight to 75lb. I probably could have gone 5 or 10 pounds heavier, but I wasn't too far off. In the first set I managed to do 10 consecutive reps before I had to rest; by set #3 I started the push presses with 7 reps before resting. Clearly, by the last round I'd lost the ability to count. Reviewing my video, I did 21 reps for the push presses and push ups, but only 19 for the pull ups. Bollocks!

The video shows my final round.

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